
Marichyasana B: Pose Dedicated to the Sage Marichi

English Name(s)
Sage Pose B
मरीच्यासन २/ Marichyasana B
mah-rich-yee-ah-SAH-na– B
Marichi: Ray of light
Asana: Pose
B: Variation
Pose Type
Forward Bending

Marichyasana B at a Glance

Marichyasana B is the fifteenth pose of the primary series, the tenth seated pose. There are four variations of Marichyasana poses (A, B, C, and D). Marichi is a sage. “Ray Light” is one of the aspects of the sun and helps eliminate illusions and awakens us from dreams and delusions. Marichyasana B, which is a pose from the Ashtanga Primary Series.


  • It helps to stimulate the abdominal organs like the liver and kidneys.
  • It stretches and strengthens the spine, shoulders, back, hamstrings, and hips.
  • It helps to improve digestion and tones your belly.
  • It helps to improve your balance in posture and also your life.
  • It improves your self-awareness and helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

Who can do it?

People already practicing yoga can attempt to do this asana. Individuals with good flexibility levels can do Marichyasana B under the guidance of a yoga teacher. Beginners can do this asana but under the guidance of the yoga teacher and should progress step by step.

Who should not do it?

People with back pain and hip injuries should avoid doing it. People having knee issues should avoid doing it or consult their health care provider. Pregnant women should avoid doing it as this is a deep twist. Individuals with high blood pressure should avoid doing this pose.

How to Do Marichyasana B?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure

Marichyasana B pose is a variation of Marichyasana which requires good flexibility and is challenging, which has good physical as well as mental benefits.

  1. Sit down in the staff pose, with your legs straight in the staff.
  2. Let your spine be straight and keep your core engaged.
  3. Breathe in and exhale, and start bending your right knee. Get your right heel onto your left thigh, near the hip crease, and this is half lotus pose. (Here, if you can’t keep the leg in half lotus position, you can place your right foot on the floor near the left thigh of the bent leg).
  4. Now the left leg is straight, bend the left leg and bring the left foot close to the left hip. Your knees should be facing upward, and your left foot should be pressing the ground.
  5. Breathe in and while you exhale, extend your left hand forward, bring your shoulders in front of the left knee, turn your left-hand palm facing to the right side, and your thumb should point down.
  6. Next, wrap your left arm over the front left shin of the left leg. You can bring your shoulder a little forward for your comfort. Now, your left-hand palm is on your back.
  7. Now inhale and extend your right arm up to the ceiling, stretch and open up your chest towards your right, now exhale and bring the right arm forward and take it to your back from the right side of the body and catch hold of the left palm (interlock your fingers) or hold the left wrist with the right hand.
  8. Join your hands together, be steady, keep breathing, and sit straight.
  9. Now exhale and fold forward; hands are at your back, and your spine is straight.
  10. Inhale, look up and open up the chest and shoulders.
  11. Again, Exhale and bend forward from the hips (leading your chest) and get the chin to the floor.
  12. Take deep breaths. Hold the pose for 5 breaths.
  13. Slowly inhale and release the posture, lift your upper body, unlock your hands, bring it in the front, release the right leg and left leg, and come back to the Dandasana pose.
  14. Relax for a moment, and to balance your body equally, you should do it on the other side: get your left heel onto your right thigh, then bend the right knee and bring the right foot in front of the right sitting bone.

What are the Benefits of Marichyasana B?

Marichyasana B is a wonderful pose to find imbalances between the left and right and to help you understand your body.

  • Improves your coordination of breath and body, getting the body to work in many directions simultaneously.
  • This also helps to Prepare the body for the other Marichi postures.
  • The Marichyasana B pose helps to release the tension from the hips and Sacroiliac joint and also increases the mobility of your shoulders.
  • It prepares the body for deep hip-opening and back-bending poses.
  • This pose deeply stretches and opens the spine, hips, shoulders, calves, knees, and ankles, which helps increase the flexibility of these joints.
  • It helps to stimulate the reproductive system. and this pose can boost its function and help women during their menstrual cycle.
  • It helps to boost the efficiency of the respiratory system.
  • The twisting action of this pose massages the abdominal organs, which helps in better digestion and keeps you from constipation.
  • The forward fold and the foot pressing into the lower abdomen also stimulate the reproductive system.
  • It improves blood circulation to the reproductive organs. This is important for women who want to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles.
  • People sitting for longer periods can practice this asana, and it can help to stretch and open up the hip and groin area.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Marichyasana B

  • Regular practice of this pose can help improve respiratory disorders.
  • This pose can help to improve the increase in core strength, joint flexibility, muscle endurance, and body flexibility of athletes.
  • The twist and bend in this pose can stimulate the abdominal organs, help with a better digestion process, and help relieve constipation.
  • Sage pose B stretches the hamstrings, opens the hips, and stimulates the blood flow in the pelvic region.
  • This pose can balance your Manipura chakra and improve your self-confidence and willpower.
  • If you want to improve your body posture and eliminate the stiffness in your hips and groin, you should practice it regularly.
  • This pose helps to calm your nervous system and reduce your stress and anxiety levels.

Safety and Precautions

  • If you are new to yoga or doing this pose for the first time, better get guidance from a yoga instructor.
  • If you are pregnant avoid doing this pose.
  • If you have a lipped/herniated disc, and sciatica, avoid bending in this pose and take the guidance of your yoga teacher.
  • If you have any hip, or knee injury or any other health concern it’s better to avoid it or consult your health care professional.
  • If you have shoulder injuries, don’t bind your hands back and bend forward.
  • Keep a check on the alignment throughout the pose to maintain a safe posture.
  • do the Preparatory poses Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend) Purvottanasana (Upward Plank Pose) Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) Janu Sirsasana (Head to Knee Pose).

Common Mistakes

  • Doing this pose without any warm-up or preparatory pose.
  • Hunching or rounding the back can cause pain in your lower back.
  • Don’t strain to bind your hands back if you lack flexibility, use yoga to support.
  • Avoid holding your breath, let be flow.
  • Balance your weight.
  • If you have any injuries or physical limitations, go for the modification under the guidance of your yoga teacher.

Tips for Marichyasana B

  • While bending your torso forward and keeping your core engaged.
  • In Marichyasana B it means to bring the chin to the floor and not the top of the head. 
  • In this asana, move your weight forward, and lift the hip of the leg that is in the squat position  
  • Keep the other hip on the floor.       
  • If you’re unable to have the lotus knee fully closed and the foot at the hip crease, you can keep it on the floor.      
  • You can sit on a block or a folded blanket to ground through both left and right sitting bones.
  • Focus more on the forward fold rather than trying hard to join your hands if not possible (initially use yoga straps).
  • After practicing the pose, do Counter poses Upavistha Konasana (Wide-angle Seated Forward Bend) or relax in Savasana (Corpse Pose) and allow your body and mind to integrate the benefits of the practice.
  • Never force your body to go over its physical limits, Just, respect the sensations and act accordingly.
  • Regular practice and patience will help you progress.

The Physical Alignment Principles for Marichyasana B

Even if you don’t practice Ashtanga yoga, perform Marichyasana A before Marichyasana B, to prep your body for the pose.

  • Sit on the mat in the Dandasana pose with your leg straight.
  • Place the right leg into the half lotus and the right foot is at the left hip crease.
  • Bend the left knee and bring it near the chest.
  • Weight is on the left foot, left knee, and left sitting bone.
  • Keep your foot grounded, and the core active.
  • The left foot should be in front of the left shoulder.
  • Bend forward, bring the arms wide and binding the left leg, and grasp the right wrist with the left hand behind the back.
  • Inhale lengthen the spine.
  • Exhale fold forward and stay for 4 or 5 breaths.
  • Your left buttock may lift a bit off the ground, but it’s okay.
  • Be here for 2 to 3 breaths and come back release and do it on the other side.
  • Keep breathing.

Marichyasana B and Breath

Initially when you sit down take a deep breath in, Inhale, and bend your knee. Then inhale and while exhale bring the arm back, rounding the leg of the same side. Again, inhale lift the other hand exhale, and bring it back to join with your existing hand at the back.

Now inhale and exhale deeply and bend forward, and then to make the bend deeper, again exhale lengthen your spine bend further, and touch the chin to the ground. Breathe will lead you deeper to a safe and proper pose. Keep your breath steady and don’t hold it.

Marichyasana B and Variations

  • If you cannot bring the foot into half lotus, you can keep the foot on the floor near to the inner thigh of the other leg.
  • You can use a belt to bind the hand if there is less flexibility in your shoulder.
  • Other variations can be done by using a prop like a yoga block or folded blanket under your hip.
  • Use the wall for support to do this asana.

The Bottom Line

It is very similar to Marichyasana A, with the key difference being that the leg in the B version, the leg is not as straight as it is in version A (straight leg). Individuals can do this pose within their physical limits by choosing the variation.

This deep forward fold stretches your back, shoulders, and legs while extending your spine and toning your organs. Marichyasana also helps to calm the mind and reduces stress. Don’t round your back as you bend forward and don’t forget your breath and keep coordinating with the movement. It is a good opener for your hips and shoulders. Beginners should be doing it under the guidance of the yoga instructor. If any health concerns contact your doctor. Don’t Force your body and respect its physical limits.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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