Siddhi Yoga’s Review Board

At Siddhi Yoga every article, video, and course we publish is reviewed by a board of carefully selected experts. The Siddhi Yoga Review Board features world renowned Yoga Gurus, certified doctors of Ayurveda, Wellness industry experts, and seasoned exponents or meditation who were selected for their depth of knowledge and experience.

Our review process guarantees that every piece of content with Siddhi Yoga’s name on it is deeply researched and aligns with our mission, which is to offer health and happiness to all using the ancient wisdom of Yoga, Meditation, and Ayurveda.

Allow us to introduce you to The Siddhi Yoga’s Review Board. We thank them for sharing their wisdom and expertise.

Board Members

sandeep solanki

Sandeep Solanki

Mumbai, India


E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance USA, Pursuing Ph.D. in Yoga, Diploma and Advance Diploma in Yoga from Kaivalyadham, B.A. in Yoga Shastra from K. J. Somaiya College, M.A. in Philosophy from Mumbai University, Research Training in Kautilya Arthashastra from Mumbai University, YCB (Yoga Certification Board) Level 3, NET (National Entrance Test) for Assistant Professor, International Teacher Training Course from Sivanand Yoga Vedanta Dhanvantari, Yoga Professional Examiner for YCB, Train The Trainer Program, Advance course in Acupressure, Gold Gym – Personal Trainer, Thai Yoga Body Workout – The Sunshine Network.


Shobhit Ghanshyala

Rishikesh, India


200-Hour YTTC in Hatha Yoga from Sivananda Ashram-Kerala, 300-Hour YTTC in Ashtanga Vinyasa from Yogadarshanam-Mysuru, Certifications Yoga Therapy, Acro Yoga and Pre & Post Natal Yoga, Certification in Yoga and Vedanta from Divine Life Society-Rishikesh, E-RYT200 and E-RYT500 from Yoga Alliance USA.


Dr. Vikas Kumar Sangotra

Mohali, India


B.A.M.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) GOLD MEDALIST, Panchkarma Specialist, Certificate in Kerala Speciality Treatments and Panchkarma based on Ashtavaidya Tradition from Kerala, Certificate in Guna Sidhhanta from Dr. L Mahadevan, Kanyakumari, Certificate in Marma Therapy and E-RYT200 (USA).

Divyansh Sharma

New Delhi, India

Masters in Yogic Sciences, E-RYT-200, RYT-500, YTTP (1 Year Yoga Teacher Training Programme), NIOS (Under HRD ministry of India), B.Tech (ECE)