
Siddhi Yoga India Reviews

At Siddhi Yoga, we offer 100, 200, 300, and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in India and Bali and have graduated over 2000+ successful yoga teacher trainees from 90+ Countries. Our 200 Hour, 25 Days Intensive Teacher Training Course (TTC) is internationally accredited with Yoga Alliance U.S.A. We also do online yoga teacher training. Below are some of the online yoga teacher training reviews along with onsite reviews from our students.

Lauriah Nella
लौरिया नैला

“मैंने हाल ही में 200H ऑनलाइन योग शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण पूरा किया है, और यह सचमुच अद्भुत था! मेरे लिए आज तक का यह सबसे ज़्यादा शानदार अनुभव रहा है! मेरी अपेक्षा से भी कहीं अधिक!

शिक्षक बहुत प्रतिभाशाली, समर्थ, और दिल को छू लेने वाले हैं। मुझे इतना कुछ सीखने की उम्मीद नहीं थी | वे वास्तव में वह सब कुछ शामिल करते हैं जो आपको एक अच्छा योग शिक्षक बनने के लिए जानना आवश्यक है, और उनका सिखाने का तरीका बहुत ही सरल और उत्साहपूर्ण है।

सभी शिक्षक बहुत अच्छे हैं अपने छात्रों के प्रति समान भाव रखते हुए को सीखाना और उनकी देखभाल करना पसंद करते हैं, आप इसे हर समय महसूस करते हैं। मुझे ऐसा लगता है जैसे मैं अब सचमुच सिद्धि योग परिवार का हिस्सा हूं। आप सब ने मुझे जो कुछ दिया है और दुनिया को दे रहे हैं, उसके लिए सिद्धि योग के पूरी टीम को दिल से धन्यवाद।”

Damaris Gisell
डेमारिस गिसेल

मैं स्वयं को बहुत सौभाग्यशाली मानती हूँ कि मैंने अपने योग शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण के लिए सिद्धि योग को चुना | “सिद्धि योग मेरे लिए सबसे अच्छा विकल्प था। मुझे उनकी शिक्षण विधि काफी पसंद आई; इस पाठशाला में सिर्फ व्यायाम और आसन ही नहीं बल्कि आत्मा और शरीर का संबंध भी शामिल है।

सिद्धि योग के प्रत्येक छात्रों के आवश्यकताओं को ध्यान में रखा जाता है, जो आपको योग में आध्यात्मिक और शारीरिक रूप से बढ़ने में मदद करता है। मुझे यहाँ सिखाये जाने वाले सभी प्रकार के योग का संयोजन, प्रत्येक आसन पर ध्यान, आध्यात्मिक और शारीरिक लाभों की व्याख्या और इस संस्था के तौर तरीके सभी बहुत पसंद आये।

इसके साथ ही, पतंजलि योग सूत्र द्वारा दिए गए ज्ञान भी मुझे बहुत प्रभावित किये जो मुझे यहाँ सीखने को मिला। इस संस्था ने मुझे जीवन में हर प्रकार से सर्वश्रेष्ठ बनने और एक अच्छा शिक्षक बनने में मदद किया है। मुझे इस प्रकार से बहुमूल्य समर्थन देने के लिए मैं यहाँ मौजूद सभी शिक्षकों की बहुत आभारी हूँ। नमस्ते”

Manoj Raghavani
मनोज राघवानी मैनचेस्टर, यूनाइटेड किंगडम

“मैंने अपना शिक्षक प्रशिक्षण सिद्धि योग संस्था से पूरा किया है मैं यहाँ के पठन कार्यक्रम की बनावट से पूरी तरह प्रभावित हूँ और उनसे मुझे अद्वितीय मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त हुआ।

यहाँ के विशेषज्ञ शिक्षक हमारे मन में चल रहे तमाम सवालों के उत्तर इस प्रकार देते हैं जिससे हमें पूरी संतुष्टि प्राप्त होती है मैं पूरे मनोभाव से सिद्धियोग परिवार का एक हिस्सा बन चुका हूँ इसमें मौजूद सभी शिक्षकों के साथ अपनापन-सा प्रतीत होता है। मुझे यहाँ से बहुत कुछ सिखने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ, और अपनी योग यात्रा को आगे भी जारी रखूंगा, मुझे दर्शनशास्त्र भी पसंद है, यह कुछ ऐसा है जिसे मैं हमेशा अपने दिल की गहराई से संजोकर रखूंगा।''

Tracy Watson
Tracy Watson, Yoga Teacher, United Kingdom

The ayurveda certification course was simple to understand. Siddhi Yoga should be proud as they have incorporated a well balanced understanding of Ayurveda.

I found the step by step online course, easy to learn, user friendly and each chapter followed a practical and logical path. The exam questions were clear to comprehend, and I enjoyed learning about this topic immensely.

Dr Vikas Kumar Sangotra made the course straight-forward and uncomplicated. Well done Siddhi Yoga - I would highly recommend this course and it compliments my yoga teaching, so I can help my clients even more - great and thank you."

Adrienne Pál-Ferenczy

"Siddhi Yoga School's Yoga Teacher Training is a very unique program.

I am so grateful I found this school, as they are offering an authentic and traditional program online as well which is very rare to find.

The teachers are extremely knowledgeable, the program is well structured and easy to follow. The teachers are very approachable and helpful, ready to answer any questions in no longer than 24 hours despite time differences, or live on the camera. There is also a nice community and lots of interactions.

It felt like almost being there in person.

I am proud to say I obtained my Yoga Teacher Certificate at Siddhi Yoga and would definitely recommend it to everyone who is looking for an authentic and traditional yoga teacher training program and ready to learn and improve a lot! Namaste"

James W. Seattle, US

"Just the start I needed. I spent a fair amount of time looking online for my yoga teacher training program and choosing one can be so very unnerving.
Too much info to filter through but I guess I was lucky.
Without doubt siddhi yoga's 200 hour online yoga teacher training is one of the most comprehensive yoga training programs intended to help you grow with Yoga.
Kudos to the whole team, hope to see everyone in person soon!!!"

Damaris Gisell
Damaris Gissell

"Siddhi yoga was the best option that I could choose for my Yoga teacher training. I am glad to know how they teach; this school is not just exercises and poses.

Siddhi Yoga has a relationship with each student, helping you to grow spiritually and physically in Yoga. Love the combination of all types of yoga, the focus on each asana, the explanation of spiritual and physical benefits, and how this school teaches.

Also, love the knowledge given through Patanjali Yoga Sutra that they teach. This School helps me with the Path to being the best in all ways of my life and being a good teacher. Thank you so much to all teachers for supporting me. Namaste"

Esther Hsu

I was glad to join Siddhi Yoga International RYT course, your team provided rich yoga knowledge and various practice demonstrations.
It is really a wonderful journey.

Tina Dave
Tina Dave

After a long and thorough search for an online yoga certification that is genuine, authentic, in depth, multifaceted, valuable and affordable, I decided on Siddhi Yoga International and after having completed my course, I know now that I made the right choice. The love, care an attention of all the staff for the subject and the teaching was beyond any of my expectations.

The prompt communication and care for the student is exceptional. I love to recommend Siddhi Yoga International to everyone around the world. I'm looking forward to keep learning from them and in turn help the people around me as much as possible. Namaste

Christina Arndt
Christina Arndt

For years and years I wanted to dive deeper into my on-and-off Yoga Practice. It was Siddhi Yogas comprehensive and yet affordable offer that prompted me to take action and enroll for the 200 hrs YTT training.

And how much I loved it! The many details that transmitted the authentic yoga I was looking for:

Insights into India yoga traditions (like a fire ceremony to start the course), manta singing, authentic philosophy lessons, easy to understand anatomy classes, easy to follow and adapt demonstrations of asanas, displaying many different versions of the poses,
interesting topics on Sunday Zoom sessions… and, maybe most important for an online course, the opportunity to ask individual questions in live zoom classes every weekend and within the course in a discussion section for each topic - with a super short response time. And very individual responses, which were very often valuable lectures for themselves.

Plus free reading material and a course book with the perfect level of detail.
What worked best for me was the fact that it was self paced. I have already signed up for the next course

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