Asana: Pose
Tittibhasana at a Glance
Tittibhasana or the firefly pose is an intermediate level, arms balance posture and is also part of the second Ashtanga yoga Primary series and can be included in the flow yoga sequences to boost your energy flow in your body. In B.K.S. Iyengar’s book Light on Yoga, Tittibhasana is mentioned as Dwi Hasta Bhujasana, which is an extended advanced version of the Hasta Bhujasana.
It helps to strengthen your arms and shoulder joint.
It helps to strengthen your thigh muscles.
It strengthens your abdominal muscles and your reproductive system.
It enhances your physical balance and mental balance.Who can do it?
Intermediate and advanced-level practitioners who have arm balance experiences can do this pose. Individuals with high levels of arm, shoulder, and core strength can do this pose. Sports persons, strength, and conditioning coaches, and students can do Tittibhasana pose.
Who should not do it?
Beginners should not do this pose unless they gain strength and flexibility. People with injuries to their arms, shoulders, legs, and back should avoid doing this pose. Any surgery, in your abdomen, spine, or any other part of the body should avoid doing it. Pregnant women should avoid doing the Tittibhasana pose.
How to Do Tittibhasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure
- Bhujapidasana, Shoulder Pressing Pose, is similar, with the thighs resting on the upper arms, but the legs are crossed at the ankle in front of the body. Do this pose under the guidance of the yoga teacher.
- Begin with sitting in the dandasana (staff pose) position, with your legs wide and straight more than your hip width (outer hips), and place your hands on the floor, in between the legs.
- Now bend your knees and bring it near the armpits.
- Next, lift your buttocks off the floor and sit on your feet like in the Garland pose.
- Bring your hands behind your heels and your shoulder right behind your knees.
- Place your hand shoulder width apart and fingers wide on the mat with a firm grip.
- Squeeze your elbows and rest your buttocks in between the elbows.
- Slowly start balancing on your hands and palms pressing the mat.
- Inhale deeply and gaze in the front slowly lift your feet one by one off the ground and gently extend it straight in the front.
- Your toes will point upward and your thighs will hug the upper arms.
- Raise your leg within your limits and comfort and balance your body, keeping your core engaged, and broadening your collarbone.
- Hold this Firefly pose (Tittibhasana) for a few breaths and release the pose.
- Exhale and bend your knees place your feet on the mat and bring your buttocks to the mat release your shoulders bring your hands in the normal position and come back to the Dandasana pose.
- Do relaxing yoga poses like the Downward-facing dog pose or the Happy baby pose.
What are the Benefits of Tittibhasana?
- Firefly pose helps to strengthen your shoulder wrists and arms muscles.
- It also helps to strengthen and tone your abdomen area.
- Tittibhasana helps to stretch your back, hamstrings, hip flexors, and inner groin area.
- This helps to increase and enhance the physical and mental balance.
- As it engages the core muscles it helps with a better digestion process and also helps to reduce the extra fat around the belly.
- It increases your willpower and gives a boost to your energy and self-confidence.
Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Tittibhasana
- Practicing Tittibhasana regularly, can strengthen your upper body and core strength which enhances your stability.
- Practicing Tittibhasana can stimulate bone growth and prevent osteoporosis.
- This pose can help wrists and arms, which would avoid fracture and injury.
- This pose helps to reduce your constipation, and bloating and improve the digestion process.
- The coordination of breath and mindful movement can help reduce your stress and anxiety.
- Tittibhasana pose requires a lot of focus and concentration, which is helpful in your everyday life.
- When you can master this challenging pose, it increases your willpower fills your mind with positivity, and builds confidence to face and accept challenges in your life.
Safety and Precautions
- Avoid if you have weak wrists, arms, or shoulders.
- Any injury or surgery just avoid it.
- Do the simpler variations on the safe side.
- Progress gradually and do it under the guidance of the yoga teacher.
Common Mistakes
- Avoid rounding your shoulders.
- Avoid locking your knees.
- Avoid looking down at the mat.
- Avoid forcing your body to do the modified versions first.
- Not engaging your core.
Tips for Tittibhasana
- Warmup, stretching, and preparatory poses (side angle pose and wide-legged standing forward bend) are mandatory.
- Follow the alignment procedures and use props if needed.
- Let your fingers spread wide on the mat and place your palm with a strong grip.
- The shoulder should be between the right thigh and knee.
- Keep breathing throughout the pose.
- Be slow while getting to the pose or exiting.
Physical Alignment Principles for the Tittibhasana
- Keep the hands firm, fingers wide (fingers facing forward), and engaged.
- Inner thighs should be around the arms.
- Engage your inner thigh muscles.
- Your buttocks lifted upward.
- our hands are flat on the ground with the fingers pointing forward.
- Straighten and lengthen your legs.
- Stretch and contract your adductor muscles.
- Gaze upward and keep your head straight.
- Bring your sitting bones and groins back.
- Tuck your navel toward the spine.
- Broaden your shoulder blades.
- Keep your toes pointed.
Tittibhasana and Breath
Before you start the pose take some relaxed breaths. Inhale deeply, engaging the core when you start balancing on the arms. Keep breathing when you hold the pose. Exhale and release the pose and breath gently while relaxing your body and feeling the stretch.
Tittibhasana and Variations
- Place a yoga block under your arms.
- Practice with the wall support.
- The Firefly pose, with crossed feet.
- Elephant’s trunk pose.
- Tittibhasana B.
- Crow pose.
- Half-flying pigeon pose (advanced pose).
The Bottom Line
This is a challenging arm-balancing pose and beginners should do it under the guidance of a yoga teacher and requires strength, flexibility, and balance. For any health concerns consult your doctor. Respect your body and progress slowly and use props if needed.
The breath will go with the movement of the pose. This pose has many physical and mental benefits. This increases your willpower lets your fear out and increases your positivity.
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