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Marjaryasana : A Yoga Pose for Flexibility and Relaxation

Benefits and Common Mistakes to Avoid in Cat Pose

Updated on December 31, 2024
marjaryasana cat pose
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marjaryasana cat pose
English Name(s)
Cat Pose
मार्जरीआसन/ Marjaryasana
Marjari: Cat
Asana: Pose
Pose Type
Seated Posture

Marjaryasana at a Glance

Marjaryasana – Also known as the Cat pose, is where you come down to the floor on your hands and knees. You arch your back up (cow pose), then round it down. It helps in stretching your back and making it feel better.


  • Back Relief: (Marjaryasana) can release tension and reduce stiffness in your shoulder blades and your back.
  • Flexibility: If practiced regularly, it helps your spine to be more flexible and makes you stress-free.
  • Stress Reduction: This gentle motion of the yoga pose can help reduce stress and add calmness.
  • Digestion Aid: Marjaryasana can help in the digestion process by stimulating your abdominal organs.
  • Improved Posture: Marjaryasana can enhance awareness of your spine’s alignment and promote better posture over time.

Who can do?

This asana does not demand great fitness or flexibility and can be easily performed by all age groups – Beginners, those with back discomfort, good for the upper body, people seeking relaxation, Children, and pregnant women under guidance.

Who should not do?

People shouldn’t do cat pose with recent neck or back injuries, serious spinal conditions, wrist issues, high blood pressure or dizziness, or any recent abdominal surgeries.

How to Do Marjaryasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Instructions

Practicing Cat Pose, or Marjaryasana, is simple and soothing.

  • Place your hands and knees on the floor, and align the wrists under the shoulders and knees under the hips.
  • Inhale and arch your back (round your spine), then lift your head and tailbone, and keep your neck long – as a cat stretching.
  • Exhale and round your spine. Your chin should be tucked into your chest – like a cow’s gentle curve and keep your core engaged.
  • Repeat this motion for 5 to 10 breaths.
  • Feel the flexibility in your spine and extend, which gives a nice stretch to your back.
  • To come out of the pose, inhale and straighten your ease tension and enjoy the flow.

Cat pose (Marjaryasana) is a relaxing pose for beginners as it is very simple and easy to do and has many benefits, such as improving flexibility, strength, and balance and also relieving stress. People with back and neck injuries should consult their health professional.

What are the Benefits of Marjaryasana?

Benefits of Marjaryasana

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) is a simple and powerful yoga pose that benefits the body and mind.

  • The Flexibility of the Spine: Cat pose (Marjaryasana) is an easy way to stretch the spine and improve flexibility. The arch and curve of your back help to strengthen the muscles of the spine, which helps to relieve pain and improve posture.
  • Activates the Core: The cat pose also strengthens the core muscles and your hips, which is important for maintaining good posture by giving a good stretch and preventing back pain. The engaged core muscles, throughout the pose, help to stabilize the spine and pelvis.
  • Stress Relief: Cat pose (Marjaryasana) is a calming and relaxing yoga pose that helps to relieve stress and anxiety. Cat pose also helps to massage the spine and release tension.
  • Improves Circulation: Marjaryasana can help to improve circulation by stimulating the flow of blood and lymph throughout the body.
  • Enhanced Posture: Regular practice of cat yoga poses can help to improve your posture and strengthen the muscles of the back, hips, and neck. Regular practice of cat pose can help to align the spine and pelvis.
  • Improves Digestion: Marjaryasana can improve digestion by stimulating the abdominal organs and improving blood circulation.
  • Stimulates the Lymphatic System: Cat pose can help stimulate the lymphatic system by increasing the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body and removing toxins.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Cat pose cultivates mindfulness and energy flow while you coordinate with your Breath, establishing an emotional balance and connection with your body and mind.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Marjaryasana

Marjaryasana can be helpful for people with various health conditions:

  • Back Pain: This simple yoga pose can improve mild to moderate back pain and spinal flexibility.
  • Anxiety and Stress: The mindful movement with Breath calms the nervous system and relieves stress and anxiety.
  • Digestive Issues: The Cat pose, Marjaryasana, can help in digestion and help lessen the discomfort with digestive problems.
  • Arthritis: Cat pose (Marjaryasana) can improve joint mobility and reduce stiffness, which benefits those with arthritis.
  • Posture Problems: Practicing this Cat pose Marjaryasana can increase awareness of spinal alignment and correct poor posture habits.
  • Menstrual Discomfort: This pose can be a relief to menstrual cramps and discomfort.
  • Stimulates the Lymphatic System: The lymphatic system is important for washing out toxins from the body. Cat pose can help to stimulate the lymphatic system by increasing the flow of lymph fluid throughout the body. This improves the overall health of the body.

Safety and Precautions

  • Perform it gently and within your comfort.
  • Don’t force your movements or overstretch to prevent strain or discomfort.
  • Before attempting these poses, consult your healthcare professional if you have a history of back or neck injury.

Common Mistakes while Performing Marjaryasana

  • It may seem to be simple and preparatory poses but may end in harming yourself.
  • If you don’t engage your core, you may put a strain on your back.
  • Not breathing properly and evenly while performing the yoga pose.
  • Keep your shoulders away from the ears. Keep the process slow and relaxing.

Tips for Marjaryasana

  • Start slowly and gradually, listen to your body, and modify the pose as needed.
  • Move slowly and consciously, and pay attention to any sensation in your spine.
  • Focus on your Breath.
  • If you feel any pain, stop the pose and consult with your yoga instructor.

The Physical Alignment Principles of Marjaryasana

  • Just like other yoga poses, the key is to achieve the correct physical alignment in the Marjaryasana pose.
  • The spine should be elongated. Avoid arching or rounding the back too much. Make the movement smooth by coordinating with your Breath.
  • Don’t tense your shoulders. Engage your core gently to support the movements. Make the yoga pose easy on your body, within your comfort zone.

Marjaryasana and the Breath

Breath is an important part of Cat Pose stretches. Connection of the Breath with Cat pose Marjaryasana can deepen the pose and make it more beneficial for your body and mind. Sync your Breath and movement like a dance that eases your body.

  • Focus on your Breath. The energy flows through your body, which can help you quiet your mind and improve your focus.
  • Deep breathing with Marjaryasana helps to reduce stress and anxiety and increases energy levels.
  • The gentle forward and backbends of the Marjaryasana pose can help relax your body.

Marjaryasana and its Variations

You can try different variations of Marjaryasana pose as per your abilities or to challenge yourself more.

  • Supported Cat Pose: This is for people with wrist pain.
  • Cat-Cow Pose: The most common variation of Marjaryasana with cat pose stretches.
  • Warrior 2 PoseMore advanced pose variation that combines Marjaryasana with Warrior 2 Pose.
  • Wide-Legged Cat Pose: Variation for those who want to challenge their balance.
  • Seated Cat-Cow Yoga Pose

The Bottom Line

Your body resembles a Cat cow, which can be a perfect and powerful yet gentle and simple calming yoga pose those changes between arching your back like a cow and rounding it like a cat. It’s like a breath and dance working together for your spine and body parts. Moving with your Breath, inhaling to arch, and exhaling to round. The gentle flow improves body awareness and spinal flexibility, reduces stress, and enhances mind-body connection. It’s an easy practice that helps balance and relaxation and soothes your body and mind.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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