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Utthita Uttana Padmasana: Techniques for Strength and Flexibility

Enhancing Flexibility with the Upward Extended Lotus Pose

Updated on September 24, 2024
utthita uttana padmasana
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utthita uttana padmasana
English Name(s)
Upward Extended Lotus Pose
उत्थित उत्तान पद्मासन / Utthita Uttana Padmasana
OOT-tah-nah OOT-tah-nah Pahd-MAH-suh-nuh
Utthita: Extended
Uttana: Upward
Pada: Foot
Asana: Pose
Pose Type

Utthita Uttana Padmasana at a Glance

Utthita Uttana Padmasana or the Upward Extended Lotus Pose is a challenging pose, where the legs are locked in the Lotus pose and kneeling on the knees. Utthita Uttana Padmasana can be practiced to improve and enhance, steadiness and calmness with mind and body coordination.


  • This helps to give stable and balanced control over your mind and body.
  • It helps you to be steady and calm.
  • This asana helps to strengthen the pelvic region.
  • This is also a good hip-opener pose and also enhances your core muscles.
  • It helps to improve your awareness and focus.

Who can do it?

This is an advanced and challenging pose, so intermediate and advanced-level practitioners can do this pose. People having a good mind-body connection can do the Utthita Uttana Padmasana pose. Individuals expecting some creative and challenging pose can do the Upward extended lotus pose. People having good balance and focus can do this asana.

Who should not do it?

People with any knee, hip, or ankle injury should avoid doing this asana. This is an advanced pose, so beginners should avoid doing it. People with any recent surgery should avoid this pose. Pregnant women and senior citizens should not attempt this asana. People with a lot of distractions and balance issues should avoid doing this yoga pose. People with low or high BP should avoid this pose.

How to Do Utthita Uttana Padmasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure

This pose is not easy to do, but with regular practice and developing your balance and focus, you can achieve the Utthita Uttana Padmasana pose and a lot more benefits and enhance your hidden qualities.

  • This pose should be done in a quiet and peaceful environment. Do some preparatory asanas and prepare your body for the Utthita Uttana Padmasana pose like padmasana, Badha konasana, and any practice kneeling to strengthen your knees.
  • Do this asana on a yoga mat or a soft carpet and an even surface. Keep your back (spine) straight.
  • Stretch your legs in front of you and sit in the Dandasana pose, take deep breaths, and prepare for the Utthita Uttana Padmasana pose.
  • Now lift your right leg with the support of the hands bend the right knee and rotate the leg from the hip outward, (not from the knee joint) bring your right foot close to the thigh and place it on the left upper thigh, where your right heel will be near the abdomen or touching the abdomen and soul slightly upward.
  • Make yourself comfortable in this position and now bend the left knee gently with the support of your hands bring your left foot on the upper thigh of the right leg and place your left foot.
  • Your heel of the left foot should be close to the abdomen and your sole slightly upward.
  • In the Lotus position, you can see the formation of a crossed leg. Your spine should be straight and not hunched. Your feet are placed on the opposite thighs and relax here by taking a few breaths and mentally preparing for the knee balance movement.
  • Inhale deeply, and slowly lift your buttocks come on your knees (standing on your knees), and take the support of your hands.
  • Keep your palms supported on the mat, till you feel the comfort of balancing your body weight, on your knees.
  • Now slowly take your hands off the mat bring your focus and concentrate on balancing on your knees.
  • Keep your breath flowing and gently bring your hands in the namaste position in front of your chest.
  • Your upper body should be straight, and your hips, legs, and core muscles active.
  • Keep your breath flowing freely gaze at a steady point, and stay for a few breaths, within your comfort.
  • When you are ready to release, release your hands and bring them slowly to the mat for support bring your buttocks on the mat and come to the Padmasana pose and release your legs, one by one slowly and relax.
  • Come to the Dandasana pose, by straightening your legs and shaking to relax.

What are the Benefits of Utthita Uttana Padmasana?

Benefits of Utthita Uttana Padmasana
  • It improves the blood flow to the abdomen which stimulates your digestive system and keeps you away from constipation and bloating.
  • It helps to develop your hip strength and back muscles and improves your posture.
  • This helps to maintain stability, balance, and patience level.
  • Students can benefit as it improves their focus and concentration.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Utthita Uttana Padmasana

  • This can help to boost an efficient digestion process and activate the Pelvic area.
  • This can help with mild back pain and enhance your posture.
  • This can add more flexibility to your hips.
  • This can enhance your mind-body connection and relieve stress and anxiety.

Safety and Precautions

  • Any injury or any recent surgery avoid this pose.
  • Support with props for the safer side, avoid doing it without your yoga trainer.
  • Beginners avoid it till you gain balance.

Common Mistakes

  • Not using props and forcing your body if not flexible.
  • Avoiding painful physical sensations.
  • Avoid hunching your back.

Tips for Utthita Uttana Padmasana

  • Do it on a yoga mat and not on the bare floor, and do the preparatory poses and warm-up, it will protect you from injury.
  • Avoid doing it after meals.
  • Do it slowly progress gradually and keep your breath flowing.
  • Take guidance initially and see more comments about this pose on the website.

Physical Alignment Principles Utthita Uttana Padmasana

  • The whole Body is balanced on the knees, folded in a lotus pose.
  • Knees externally rotated.
  • Feet, ankles, hips, and core muscles are active.
  • Toes are pointed to the sides and hips rest on the hip joints.
  • The chest is open and lifted up.
  • Your spine is straight and your head is in line with the spine.
  • Shoulders rolled back and down.
  • Navel in tucked to your spine.
  • Your gaze is at the steady point in front.
  • Breath in gentle and flowing.
  • Palms joined in the namaste pose and the heart center.
  • For additional information, you can watch the pose videos.

Utthita Uttana Padmasana and Breath

Breath plays a very important role as a partner in this pose. When you start this pose, inhale deeply and gently. Keep breathing and let the flow of energy continue to inhale, and come on your knees slowly with a steady flow of breath. When on your knees inhale and bring your hands to the Namaste pose and exhale and engage your core, pelvic, and hip muscles. Be mindful with your breath gaze forward let out your negativity and let your energy give you a balanced, stable pose with focus and concentration.

Utthita Uttana Padmasana and Variations

  • You can do this pose with the wall support, chair, and blocks on your sides.
  • Some more options for variations are the lotus pose, half lotus pose, seated mountain pose, and half lotus pose raised arms.

The Bottom Line

No doubt this is an advanced and challenging pose, but adds more benefit to the pose as well as to your everyday life. This involves balancing and keeping you steady. This improves the level of patience, focus, and concentration. This can improve your meditation power. Increases, self-awareness when coordinated with breath. This is helpful to your upper body as well as lower body, strengthening and flexibility.

For any health concerns consult your doctor. Do it under the guidance of a yoga teacher and use props if needed. Respect your body and progress gradually.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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