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Uttana Kurmasana or Upside-Down Tortoise Pose

Updated on September 2, 2024
Uttana Kurmasana Upside-Down Tortoise Pose
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Uttana Kurmasana Upside-Down Tortoise Pose
English Name(s)
Upside-Down Tortoise Pose
उत्तान कूर्मासन/Uttana Kurmasana
OOT-ahn KOOR-MAH-sah-nah
Uttana = Intense, stretched
Kurma = tortoise
Asana = Pose; posture
Pose Type
Seated Posture

Uttana Kurmasana at a Glance

Uttana Kurmasana: is an Asana that resembles an inverted tortoise. It is translated as Inverted Tortoise Pose from Sanskrit. This complex pose also has variation which resembles a fetus in a mother’s womb. It helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences.


  • It strengthens the core, hips, biceps, and triceps muscles.
  • It develops awareness of the body and breath and helps better breathing.
  • It enhances the flexibility of the legs, thighs, knees, pelvis, and arms.
  • It helps to improve balance, stability, and self-confidence.

Who can do it?

Experienced yoga practitioners can do it. People with good physical health can do this pose under a trained yoga teacher. An individual who wants to do it should have a lot of patience and persistence.

Who should not do it?

People with back or spinal injuries should avoid doing it. If you have any recent or chronic injury should avoid it. Individuals with high blood pressure should avoid doing it. Pregnant women should not do it. People suffering from muscle pull should avoid doing it.

How to Do Uttana Kurmasana?

Follow the Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. It is recommended to do it early morning or evening when your stomach is empty; this is one of the advanced asanas prescribed in Hatha yoga.
  2. Come to the staff pose, legs extended hands beside your hips, extend your spine, and relax your shoulders.
  3. Get into the Padmasana (the lotus pose).
  4. Inhale and lift your knees from the floor bring them near the chest and balance your body.
  5. Now exhale, bring your hands through (between) the thighs and the calves up to the elbows, and bend your elbows around the bent knees.
  6. Get your forearms up and hold your chin. In this position, your arms hold your legs and slowly try to hold your neck.
  7. You are balanced on your sit bones. Keep breathing to balance and keep the stability.
  8. You can gaze in front at a single point. When you gain experience, you can close your eyes and bring yourself into a meditative pose.
  9. Stay in this pose as much as your body allows and breathe gently.
  10. When you are ready to release, unlock your hands, bring your legs down, extend your legs straight, and come to the staff pose and relax by taking a forward bend.

What are the Benefits of the Uttana Kurmasana?

  • It provides good massage to the abdominal and pelvic muscles and helps to control irregular menstruation or painful cramps on or during menstruation.
  • It helps to improve digestion and prevent constipation and bloating.
  • It helps to stimulate and regulate the adrenal glands.
  • This is a good exercise to strengthen the central nervous system.
  • It helps to develop self-awareness and self-confidence and increases concentration and focus.
  • It can help reduce stress and anxiety and calm your body and mind.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Uttana Kurmasana

  • This helps to give an intense stretch and strengthen your spine, abdomen, and lower back, and also for people suffering from nervous weakness.
  • This works on your abdominal muscles, helps reduce belly fat, and helps in better digestion.
  • It activates the Manipura chakra, keeps negative thoughts away, and maintains your emotional health.
  • It improves the function of your internal organs like – the liver, kidney, pancreas, and spleen.

Safety and Precautions

  • Avoid doing this asana if you are suffering from sciatica or other spinal problems.
  • Don’t do this asana if you have an injury in the ankles, knees, hips, or back.
  • Better to do it under a trained yoga instructor.

Common Mistakes

  • Do the Preparatory poses.
  • Breathing throughout the pose to maintain balance is important.
  • Don’t force yourself to do this asana if your body doesn’t allow you to.
  • Do the simple variation of this asana.
  • You have to be patient and focused.
  • Don’t force your hands to hold the neck. Just keep it to the chin.

Tips for Uttana Kurmasana

  • Do it on an empty stomach.
  • Do it slowly and don’t force your body.
  • For any health concerns, consult your health care professional.
  • Start doing it with a simpler variation and under the guidance of your yoga trainer.

The Physical Alignment Principles for Uttana Kurmasana

  • Sit on the mat in the Padmasana.
  • Your hands should be laced through the space between the thigh and calf.
  • Your elbows act as the hook to hold your legs.
  • Lift your legs to the chest.
  • Place your palms on your chin or hold the neck if possible.
  • Breathe in and out thoroughly to keep the balance of the pose.
  • You should be balanced on the sit bones.

Uttana Kurmasana and Breath

While in the staff pose, breathe in and out deeply to energize your body. Inhale deeply when you lift your legs after the lotus pose. Next, exhale, lace your arms, and hold your chin. When you are in this pose, let your breath be continuous based on the balance in this pose. Inhale deeply, exhale out the stress and tension in your body and feel calm.

Uttana Kurmasana (Garbhasana, Garbha Pindasana) and Variations

Take Away

Uttana Kurmasana is an intense advanced stretching pose with many variations, and individuals can choose according to their physical limits. This has many benefits and will benefit when done consistently and initially should be done under a professional yoga trainer as this takes time to get into the appropriate pose. If you have any health concerns consult your doctor for guidance.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.


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