Asana: Pose
Trikonasana at a Glance
Triangle Pose: Tadasana is the preparatory pose for the Triangle pose (Trikonasana) also know as Utthita Trikonasana(Extended Triangle Pose). Any standing pose asana can be performed as a follow-up pose for Trikonasana. There’s a reason for the name of the pose, your body forms various-sized triangles—the larger triangle between your front and back legs and the floor as well as the smaller triangle between your arm, front leg, or the mat, and side body.
- It helps to strengthen the arms and legs.
- It helps to stretch and strengthen your back.
- It stretches your inner thighs, the hips, the groin area, and the hamstrings.
- It relieves stress and anxiety and helps to be calm.
- It helps to stimulate the digestive organs.
Who can do it?
This pose can by any individual who has normal health, but with care. Beginners can do this asana, but initially under the guidance of the yoga teacher. Intermediate and advanced practitioners can do this asana. Pregnant women can do this asana but only under the guidance of the prenatal yoga teacher. Athletes can do this pose, to get a good hamstring stretch.
Who should not do it?
People with any recent chronic injury, in their hips, legs, or shoulders should avoid doing this asana. People with vertigo and balance issues should avoid doing this asana. If you had any abdominal surgery, avoid doing this asana. People with very high or low BP should avoid doing this pose.
How to Do Trikonasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure
- This is a standing, balancing asana and also a good Hip and chest opener Pose. Do some preparatory poses and warm-ups, before you do this asana.
- Start in a standing position, in the Tadasana pose, or can also start in the five-pointed star pose, keep your feet together and arms by the side of your body, and keep your back straight and neck and head in line with your spine.
- Breathe deeply relax and bring out your right foot, 3 to 4 feet apart to your right side, keeping your arms by the side of your body.
- Now turn your right foot to about 90 degrees and your heel should be in line with the arch of the left foot and your left toes should be 45 degrees in. Both your feet should be firm on the ground.
- Now inhale deeply and lift your arms to shoulder height, to your sides (arms parallel to the floor), and fingers pointing to respective sides and in line with your shoulders, palms facing down.
- Inhale and exhale while you extend your torso to the right-side bend from your hip joint and shift your hips to the left side.
- Keep tucking the right hip under the left and stay long on the right-side body.
- Now keep breathing and exhale and bring your right hand towards the floor outside your right foot or hold your toe, your ankle, or your shin, whichever is comfortable you can also keep a block near your right foot if you are unable to reach the floor.
- Inhale and stretch your left arm up to the ceiling exhale turn your head up and look at your fingers of the raised arm.
- Keep your chest open adjust the alignment of your feet and hips and feel comfortable.
- Every time you exhale go into a deeper stretch and keep breathing gently.
- Stay in this Triangle pose, Trikonasana for 5 to 6 breaths and keep your arms extended.
- Inhale and release from the pose and come to the Tadasana pose (mountain pose) and relax and repeat the same procedure on the other side, now bending the torso on the left side and extending the right arm up and your left arm touching the toe.
What are the Benefits of Trikonasana?
- This helps to deeply stretch and strengthen your thighs, knees, ankles, and legs.
- The triangle pose also helps to stretch your, hamstrings, groin, and hips.
- It also helps to open up your shoulders and expand your chest, which increases your lung capacity.
- Regular practice can help to reduce your stress and anxiety and improve your balance and concentration.
- Triangle Pose is an essential standing pose that stretches and strengthens the whole body.
- This can also help to shed the extra fat on the waist region.
- This also puts pressure on your abdominal organs, which helps in a better digestion process.
- This asana is good for opening up your heart chakra, sacral chakra, and root chakra.
Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Trikonasana
- Triangle pose offers you many physical and mental benefits.
- The stretch in this asana stimulates the abdominal organs and this helps people to clear the mild digestive issues and improves digestion.
- People with mild back pain can practice the Triangle pose regularly, which can help to stretch and strengthen their spine muscles and can provide relief to their back.
- When you combine this pose with mindful breathing, this can help to reduce your mild stress and anxiety.
- Individuals looking to improve their level of balance and stability can practice this pose regularly.
- If you have tight hip flexors, practice the Triangle pose and gradually improve the flexibility.
- This pose can also help people to strengthen their leg and core muscles.
- People working on computers for a long time can practice this asana and can help to relieve the tension in the neck and shoulder.
Safety and Precautions
- Always do a warmup and the preparatory poses for your safety.
- If you have any injuries to your, legs, back, neck, hip or shoulders avoid this pose.
- Avoid this pose if you have migraine or irritable bowel syndrome, then avoid doing this asana.
- If you have a slipped disc, avoid doing this asana.
- If you are pregnant, consult your health care provider and do it only under the guidance of your prenatal yoga trainer.
- If you have high blood pressure or low blood pressure, be careful while doing this asana.
- If you have balance issues you can practice this asana by taking the support of the wall.
- This can seem to be a simple pose but beginners, initially should learn under the guidance of their yoga teachers.
Common Mistakes
- Allowing your shoulders to fall forward.
- Don’t bend your right leg, to bring your right hand to the floor.
- Avoid misalignment of your hips.
- Keep your feet firmly on the floor.
- Don’t arch your lower back, it can strain your lumbar spine.
- Engage your core.
- Overstraining your head to gaze upward, at your raised arm and avoid looking up if you have neck pain.
- Neglecting your body sensations.
- Not following the alignment principles.
Tips for Trikonasana
- Keep both your feet grounded on the mat or floor.
- Your front heel should be in line with the arch of the back foot.
- Engage your core to support your spine and for better stability.
- You can keep a slight bend in your front knee if needed.
- Elongate your chest and spine.
- Keep lengthening your tailbone down towards your back heel.
- Arms into one straight line with the shoulders stacked on top of each other.
- Keep tucking the right hip under the left hip and stay long on the right side of your body.
- Gaze up at your fingertips and don’t over-strain.
- Respect your body and don’t try to push yourself.
- Warmup is very essential.
- Breath should be continuing and use your breath as a guide.
Physical Alignment Principles for Trikonasana
- Keep both feet grounded and spread the weight evenly on both the foot.
- Your right leg knee cap should face to the right side and the toes should also face the right side.
- Push the outer edge of the back foot to keep the arch lifted.
- Keep your hip rolled backward.
- Engage your legs and roll the right thigh out so the right knee is in line with the first two toes.
- Bent at the hip and bring the torso to the right, moving toward your upper body being parallel to the floor.
- Bring your fingertips of the right hand (front arm) to touch the big toe the floor or the shin.
- Keep your spine elongated.
- Keep your thigh active to help, and keep the knee straight.
- Open your shoulders and chest.
- Bring your shoulder blades back and down.
- Look straight ahead, or tuck the chin slightly and turn to look up towards your left hand.
- Arms should be stretched and active.
- The back leg (left leg) should be externally rotated.
Trikonasana and Breath
Keeping your breath as a guide for this pose, start breathing to relax while you are in the Tadasana pose. Breathe in bring your feet apart and extend your arms. Inhale and exhale when you bend to the right side down and this will help to give you stability to bend from your hips. Now inhale deeply extend your arms to the ceiling and open your chest. Inhale and exhale to lengthen your spine and keep breathing to support the pose. Keep your core engaged with your breath and this will help to deepen the pose and maintain better balance and stability. Exhale and release the pose and come back to the Tadasana pose and take a few breaths, before you start with the other leg.
Trikonasana and Variations
- You can use a yoga block to rest under your lower hand for support.
- Try to bring your upper arm over the ear so it is parallel to the floor.
- You can do the Baddha Trikonasana, which is an advanced variation of the Trikonasana pose. It helps with a deep stretch to your chest and helps open your shoulders with the help of wrapped arms around the torso.
- Trikonasana Hand Stretched Back.
- Variation of Reversed Triangle pose.
- The Revolved Triangle pose.
- Variation of Triangle pose with your knees bent.
The Bottom Line
Trikonasana is a purely beginner-friendly pose, so if you have just started yoga, you can perform this asana quite easily. This yoga pose comes with a number of benefits like stretching and strengthening your thigh, knees, legs, hamstrings, hips, and ankles, and also improves your digestion. The triangle pose also benefits with some mild health conditions like back pain, stress, anxiety, stiffness and tension in neck and shoulder. But you need to take some precautions, if you are a beginner or pregnant or dealing with an injury.
Learn Yoga Asanas with Our Expert Trainers
If you are a beginner and want to get deeper insights into yoga, then you should definitely consider enrolling into our 100-Hour Yoga course for beginners. This course is sure to teach you yoga asanas, techniques and so much more that you’ll grow in every aspect of life with your enhanced perception and lifestyle. If you want to learn poses like the Trikonasana, then we recommend you to sign up for our online hatha yoga teacher training. This course will focus on traditional Hatha yoga poses, principles and will pave your way for a brighter future in yoga teaching.
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