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How to Become a Yoga Instructor? A Complete Guide

Updated on September 12, 2024
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how to become a yoga instrustor

Yoga Training Certification

These days, it seems like every other person is a certified yoga teacher. You may be wondering how to go about this yourself, or whether it’s even realistic. If you’re passionate about the practice and hope to impart its benefits to others, chances are you are a perfect candidate. I’d recommend reading this post first: How Do I Know If I’m Ready For Yoga Teacher Training? If you find that you don’t want to become a yoga teacher, know that you can still deeply enhance your practice and knowledge by enrolling in a training course: Why should you do Yoga Teacher Training even if you don’t want to become a yoga teacher?

how to become a certified yoga instructor

Now that you’re sure you want to pursue a certification, let’s talk about how to be a yoga teacher.

How to Become a Certified Yoga Instructor ?

At the time of this publication, there are no official legal requirements for certification anywhere in the world. This essentially means that to learn to teach yoga, all that’s needed is to pick a program that resonates with you and pursue it passionately! However, you’ll want to pick a program officially recognized by the Yoga Alliance, the internationally recognized education and accreditation organization that has established a system of requirements for teachers and schools. There are many different teacher training programs available worldwide, which offer certification in a wide array of yoga styles and traditions, through ryt 200 online.

So how does one go about becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance? Everyone who has completed a yoga teacher training program with a Registered Yoga School (RYS) can apply for RYT certification. There are several levels of certification for RYTs, depending on the number of training hours completed and the total hours of teaching.

yoga alliance certified yoga instructor

Most people usually start their yoga teacher journey by attending a 200-hour RYS teacher training course. As previously stated, there are many programs available, depending on the style or tradition of yoga, logistics (part-time, full time intensive, local or abroad) and cost.

200-hour programs focus on teaching yoga to the general population. This includes:

  • Asana and alignment (which also includes how to guide others into the poses and class sequencing)
  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Philosophy and Meditation

All 200-hour programs vary in terms of the style of yoga. But, to ensure a well-rounded education, they all adhere to these basic guidelines as outlined by Yoga Alliance.

Why 200 Hours?

In a 200-hour course, you will not only practice but also learn in-depth about yoga poses–how to execute the poses correctly according to your own physical abilities. You will practice yoga for at least two hours daily, so you come to really understand the mechanics of the poses and what they entail. Your physical health and strength will improve as well.

You will also learn anatomy and physiology, and how they relate to yoga. The benefits and contraindications of the poses will be discussed. Once your physical practice is combined with the knowledge of anatomy and physiology, then the study of alignment in poses comes into play. This is a very important aspect of any yoga teacher training course, as we practice yoga for health … not to injure ourselves!

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There will also be sessions on the philosophical aspects of yoga, which are based on Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga. Yoga is all about how to live in harmony with ourselves and others, and during these philosophy sessions, many questions will arise within you as to how you have been living and what changes you want to see in your life.

Then there is also the practice of Pranayama (breathing techniques). This is a crucial step toward the achievement of Samadhi (Divine Union). Your breath affects the quality of your physical, emotional and mental health. So it’s important to learn and understand the proper ways to practice Pranayama.

how to become a yoga teacher

Throughout the course, you will immerse yourself in yoga. This is not only for your own benefit but also for others: you can only teach what you truly understand. Along the way, the trainers will guide you on how to assess and adjust others into the poses, which includes the use of props or proper verbal cues.

In the end, 200 hours will actually seem too short! As with everything else in life, the learning does not end there. In fact, after a teacher training course, you will come to realize that this is only the beginning of your journey.

how to be a yoga instructor

After completing a 200-hour program, some graduates may feel inclined to work with specific populations. To this end there are various other extension programs available—kids’ yoga and pre-natal yoga are examples. These programs are usually of a shorter duration.

How Long Does it take to Become a Certified Yoga Instructor?

A yoga teacher’s journey begins even before signing up for a teacher training course. Indeed, it is ideal to have already developed a consistent yoga practice prior to attending a 200-hour program. This way, your body will already be reasonably fit for the physical rigor, and your mind will be prepared with an idea of the asanas and what goes on during class. Is There Anything You Can Do Before A YTTC To Better Prepare Yourself?

become a yoga teacher 

Your first official step to becoming a certified teacher will be completing a 200-hour program. After that, if you wish to continue on and become a 500-hour RYT, you can go for a 300-hour program.

Ideally, you’d be able to assist a senior yoga teacher for a few months. Learning directly from someone will definitely fast-track your path to expertise.

In short, there is no definitive timeframe whereby after ‘x’ amount of time, you will become a yoga teacher. Yoga is very hands-on, and the more experience you have with it–regardless of whether it’s with asanas, philosophy, or meditation; the better equipped you will be to teach.

How do I get a Yoga Certification?

First, decide on a style of yoga you love. If you enjoy sweating it out during your yoga practice, a Vinyasa-style program will be suitable for you. If you prefer using props in your practice, then go for an Iyengar or Therapeutic styled program.

Best yoga teacher certification

There’s one more step to becoming a registered yoga teacher!

After you’ve completed your teacher training, you will need to register as a yoga teacher with the Yoga Alliance of America. Once registered, you’ll be listed in their global directory as a teacher who has met their minimum requirements for teaching and has completed their training with an officially registered yoga school.

how to get certified to teach yoga 

You are now ready to teach yoga. Remember that the role of a teacher is very important. Keep learning and expanding your own practice, so you can share the wonderful gift of yoga with everyone.

What’s Best: Short-term Intensive or Longer Duration; Local or Overseas; In-Person or Online?

There are three choices when it comes to Yoga Teacher Training Courses – either a 3-month long course that runs only on weekends or a full-on one month course or self-paced Online Yoga Teacher Training (available recently Due to COVID-19). Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of these options.

Short-Term or Long-Term Program?

In a short term, the intensive course would definitely be the opportunity of a lifetime to fully immerse yourself into the yoga lifestyle, as you would have set aside all other obligations to fully commit to present during the course. This allows you to be more focused on what is being taught and what is happening daily, with minimum distractions from the outside world. The daily schedule, food, and environment are also designed specifically to encourage the best yogic experience.

become certified yoga trainer

The obvious downside to an intensive course is that you might simply be incapable of taking such time off from work or other pursuits. Delaying obligations might cause you to stress throughout the course, which would be highly counterproductive.

A long term course that runs over a few weekends would not require you to take time off from work, and you can likewise maintain your personal life outside of training hours (if you still have the energy to!). This would also be preferable for people who have familial obligations and cannot, for whatever circumstances, be away from home for long.

Another benefit of a weekend course is that you will have more time in between classes to absorb and process what is being taught, so you have more time with your teachers to ask questions and clarify anything you are unsure about.

However, a weekend course will not immerse you in the full experience of a yoga lifestyle, as the majority of the week is spent in the hustle and bustle of your normal lifestyle.

Local or Overseas?

A local course would be cheaper because you would not have to fork out more money for travel, accommodation, and food. The environment would be familiar to you, and there’s no risk of culture shock or disappointment at unmet expectations. However, programs in certain developed countries may actually be more expensive than overseas.

An international course is an unfamiliar setting, but this will help you bond more with your course mates and also spend more time with yourself. If you are the outgoing type, this will also be an opportunity to meet people you’d probably never cross paths with had you done the course locally. You will also experience a different culture and the lives of people vastly different from your own.

Best yoga instructor training

It goes without saying that spending a month overseas is more expensive, and the unfamiliar setting may be unsettling for some.

At the end of the day, it comes down to what your priorities are. In my opinion, if you are lucky enough to have the means to attend an intensive course overseas, please do so! You’re sure to return from the experience with life-changing experiences and insights!

Where Overseas?

If you would like a month’s break and have a budget between $3,000 USD to $7,000 USD, then Bali or Thailand would be the preferred choice. You’ll then have a luxurious yoga retreat along with certification.

learn to teach yoga in bali

If your budget is tight, then the other option is doing an Online Yoga Teacher Training Course. However, India is the origin of Yoga and you will most likely have the benefit of learning from venerable Indian teachers. If you are really serious about becoming a yoga teacher then you may want to consider doing your Online 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training as well after completing the 200-hour training.

In-Person or Online

Of course, in-person is always the best option but due to COVID-19 now in-person training is not available OR very less in demand and Yoga Alliance has temporarily approved online mode till 31st December 2023. With this, how to become a yoga instructor online option is the best. There are two options for the majority of the online programs. The first option is where the majority of the training is conducted via Zoom or similar platforms. In this option, there is always a limitation of Time Zone and availability during a specific time. And it’s between $800 to $2500 price range. However, there is another option under which the majority of the classes are pre-recorded and there are daily zoom practice sessions and weekly group Zoom sessions. Old sessions can be watched at its own pace. You can complete as fast as 21 days and as slow as 12-24 months. Price is between $375 – $437.

Click Here to Check Online Yoga Teacher Training Program

yoga instructor training

How to Become a Yoga Instructor Online

How to Become a Yoga Instructor Online

The ever increasing trend of online learning hasn’t left the yoga segment untouched. And contrary to orthodoxical beliefs, this industry has been doing quite well. The online yoga teaching journey is very exciting and fulfilling. Here, we are providing all the required information on how to become a certified yoga instructor online.

First of all, you need to find out an online yoga teacher training course that best suits your needs. You might look for reviews, course content and the learning outcomes. But note that the course should be accredited by the Yoga Alliance or a similar organization.

Also, you need to make sure that you have all the required tech resources at your disposal, since some programs may require some specific apps or softwares. Make sure that you attend all the online classes and engage with your instructors and fellow trainees in discussions and video calls. This would help in removing hesitation.

Since you want to be an instructor, make sure you have all the knowledge banks at your disposal. Conduct thorough research and utilize all available resources, like eBooks, communities, forums and video resources to speed up your learning.

In order to be more confident, you can practise by conducting online classes via Zoom or Google Meet, with your friends and kins, and start mentoring them. You should start creating your online presence by creating digital content like shorts, reels, blogs, infographics, etc. This would help in establishing you as an authority and attract students.

So, if you are involved in all the above mentioned activities, you are sure-shot to become a successful online yoga trainer.

How Much Does it Cost to Become a Certified Yoga Instructor?

As little as $375 for online YTT. $1,500 USD or as much at $20,000 USD for on-site.

This depends on the unique logistics of the program: duration, location, and accommodation. If you’re doing a program locally, then you won’t need to fork out extra cash for accommodation and airfare. The price of a one-month intensive overseas will depend on both the type of accommodation (five-star hotel or budget hotel) and the location of the program.

become the best certified yoga trainer

Will a Yoga Certification Make You a Great Yoga Teacher?

Formal yoga training is generally the first step to becoming a yoga teacher. But how often do you hear of people failing at yoga teacher training? To become a great teacher, you will have to earn it.

Upon completing a teacher training course, most people are somewhat shocked when they realize they know so little! Yes, teacher training will provide you with a lot of knowledge, but that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Indeed, there are legendary yoga teachers out there. If they did not receive any formal training, where does all this magic come from?

yoga teacher certification

To be a great teacher, you will have to be dedicated to exploring yoga through attending workshops, conducting your own research, and reading books. But most importantly, you will have to learn through your own experience. Yoga is an incredibly deep aspect of life; it is not limited only to the asanas. It also includes the realms of the spiritual and philosophical. And no organization will be able to sign a certification of your spiritual evolution.

To be able to guide your students through a class and articulate exactly what is happening—which part of the body is feeling what, how to go into the pose, etc.—requires a lot of experience on your part. There is much truth in the saying, “a teacher can only guide his students as far as he himself has experienced.

10 Steps Infographics Guide – On How to Become a Yoga Instructor.

How to Become a Certified Yoga Instructor

Take Away

Ready to take your yoga practice to the next level? Our Online Yoga Teacher Training programs are the perfect choice. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, we have the training you need. Dive into our 200-Hour Online YTT and build a solid foundation in yoga philosophy, anatomy, and effective teaching methods. Elevate your skills with our 300 Hours Online Yoga Teacher Training, exploring advanced asanas, pranayama techniques, and the art of sequencing. For those seeking the highest level of expertise, our RYT500-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training combines ancient wisdom with modern practices. Join our vibrant community of passionate yogis and embark on a life-changing journey from the comfort of your own home. Enroll now and unlock your true potential as a yoga teacher.

Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.


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