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Setubandhasana: Transform Your Practice with This Powerful Backbend

Understanding the Fundamentals of Bridge Pose for Beginners

Updated on October 1, 2024
Yoga instructor demonstrating Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose) on a yoga mat with a serene background.
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Yoga instructor demonstrating Setubandhasana (Bridge Pose) on a yoga mat with a serene background.
English Name(s)
Bridge Pose
सेतुबंधासन / Setubandhasana
Setu: Bridge
Bandha: Lock; Bind
Asana: Pose
Pose Type

Setubandhasana at a Glance

Setubandhasana – The Bridge pose (Back Bend Posture) is the asana that looks like the bridge is part of Hatha yoga. With regular practice, it will make your body strong as a bridge and strengthen entire parts of the body. This works on your abdominal muscles. It reduces your stress and anxiety and relaxes your body.


  • This pose helps to stretch various parts of the body.
  • This also helps in digestion as it activates the abdominal organs.
  • It helps to improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Setubandhasana helps with stress and anxiety.

Who can do it?

This is a beginner-level asana, so a beginner with normal health can do this pose. People who are looking to strengthen and stretch your back. People sitting for a long time can do this pose to relax their body and mind. People with mild digestion issues can do to improve their digestion.

Who should not do it?

People suffering from neck and shoulder injuries should avoid doing it. Any recent surgeries done to your spine shoulder or hips should avoid doing it. High blood pressure persons should consult their health care professional or avoid it. Pregnant women should avoid it.

How to Do Setubandhasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure

Do this yoga pose on an even and soft surface. Don’t forget to do the preparatory poses.

  • Start by lying down on the mat in the supine position (on your back).
  • Now fold your knees and your feet should be on the floor hip-width apart,  
  • Your Knees should be in line with your ankles and see that your feet are placed near the buttocks. 
  • While doing the pose see that your feet are parallel to one another so that you can avoid the strain in your lower back.
  • Your arms alongside on the floor, next to the side of your body, and face the palm to the floor.
  • Now, breathe slowly lift your body up from the ground engage your core and activate your inner thighs. Your feet should be pressing the ground and kept grounded.
  • Don’t shrug your shoulders and when you lift the chest try touching the chin your body weight should be on your arms and feet with the support of your shoulders.
  • you can feel the tightness in your buttocks while in the pose and see that your thighs and feet are parallel to each other. Feel your buttocks firm up in this pose. Both the thighs and feet are parallel to each other. 
  • Hold this yoga pose for 8 to 12 seconds and keep breathing gently.
  • while you come back from the pose, exhale and slowly bring your buttocks down release your arms and your legs, rest in the supine position, and do the counter pose like a supine butterfly, child’s pose, and wind relieving pose to relax your body.

What are the Benefits of Setubandhasana?

Benefits of Setubandhasana Bridge Pose Yoga for Back Pain Relief, Digestion, and Stress Reduction
  • This helps to stretch the entire body and activates your back muscles.
  • It tones the buttocks and hips muscles.
  • It activates the abdominal muscles, which helps the digestive system.
  • It stimulates your pelvis muscles which is helpful for menstrual cramps and pain.
  • It helps open up your chest, which helps to improve your breathing capacity.
  • It also helps to improve your body posture.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Setubandhasana

  • For children, this can improve their concentration and memory power.
  • This helps with the pain caused by osteoporosis.
  • This is a good remedy for the lower back pain.
  • This is good for PCOS pain and improves hip flexibility.

Safety and Precautions

  • People with high BP, recent injuries, or surgery should take care of their safety or consult their health care professional.
  • Severe osteoporosis should avoid doing this asana.
  • Keep your neck muscles relaxed and don’t strain it.

Common Mistakes

  • Not doing any warmup or doing it on an uneven surface or hard surface.
  • Forcing your body more than its limitations. Holding your breath.
  • If you have any physical discomfort, just come out of the pose and speak to your yoga trainer.
  • Use props when needed.

Tips for Setubandhasana

  • Beginners do it under the guidance of their yoga instructor.
  • Keep breathing throughout the pose.
  • Do the warm-up and the counter poses.
  • Do it on an empty stomach.
  • Consult your doctor if you have any medical issues before practicing this pose.

The Physical Alignment Principles for the Setubandhasana

  • First lie on your back
  • Feep your feet knees hip-width apart and knees bent.
  • The knees should be in a straight line with the ankle.
  • Feet should touch the buttocks.
  • Push your pelvis, lower back, and sternum in an upward direction and inhale while lifting your body.
  • Keep breathing throughout the pose be aware of your body sensations and act accordingly.

Setubandhasana and Breath

Take a relaxed breath while starting from the supine pose. Breath has to coordinate for better alignment and the final pose. After you bend your knees and keep your arms on the side of your body inhale deeply and lift the body. When you come to the Setubandhasana keep your breath gentle and relaxed and feel the sensation in your body with breath. When you come out of the pose exhale and release your body parts and relax in the supine position by taking gentle breaths.

Bridge Pose and Variations

  • You can do a bridge pose with a yoga block.
  • Arm variation in bridge pose.
  • Leg variation with Bridge pose.
  • Bridge pose touching your ankles.

The Bottom Line

Bridge pose stimulates many chakras in your body. Do some warmups like neck or shoulder stretches. This is one of the back bend yoga poses that is good for stretching your hips, spine waist, and opening your chest and heart. This pose relaxes your body and mind and gives relief from stress and depression. If you are a beginner, you can use props like yoga blocks or soft cushions for support and comfort. Never overdo it and listen to your body. Coordinate with your breath, it calms your mind with proper blood circulation and oxygen supply to your brain and nervous system, take the flow with the energy relax your mind, and let go of all stress and negativity.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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