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Yogasana Namaskara Pose for Mindfulness, Balance, and Centering

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Practicing Pranam Sthiti

Updated on October 22, 2024
yogasana namaskara
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yogasana namaskara
English Name(s)
Prayer pose
योगासन नमस्कार & प्राणं स्थिति / Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti
Yo-gah-SAH-nah nah-mah-SKAH-rah & PRAH-nahm sthih-TEE
Yoga: Union
Asana: Pose
Namaskara: Salutation
Pranam: Respect, bowing your head
Sthiti: Posture of respect.
Pose Type
Standing, sitting, and can be performed in any position.
Beginner to Advanced

Yogasana Namaskara at a Glance

Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti or calling it a Greeting and Prayer pose, looks similar but they mean different to some extent. The Greeting and Prayer pose is performed by individuals, while giving out respect, letting out their emotions, requesting, asking for forgiveness, respecting self, and gaining self-confidence. In yoga, Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam sthiti are in single poses or into the flow of sequences of poses.


  • This is accessible to everyone, who wants to pay respect and speak out their emotions.
  • This calms down your mind and body.
  • This helps to let out your stress, tension, and anxiety.
  • It helps to align your posture and enhances it.
  • This helps to open your heart center (Anahata chakra).
  • It helps to get a good flow of energy in your body and mind.

Who can do it?

Beginners can do this pose with ease. Intermediate and advanced practitioners can also do this pose. Pregnant women can do this pose, and also women during their menstrual cycle can do this pose. Sportspersons, dancers, and senior citizens can do this pose. Note: there are many ways to do this pose so beginners, senior citizens, and pregnant women should get guidance from their yoga teacher.

Who should not do it?

People with any injury to their hands. Wrist, neck, or back should consult their doctor. Any injuries or any surgery also should be avoided or consult with their doctor. It may seem very simple but can be stressful for some people so people with any health issues like hernia should avoid practicing yoga namaskar.

How to Do Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure

Pranam asana respectable gesture used in India and many eastern countries to express respect and a common way to greet and welcome others, especially elders, seniors, gurus, and guests.

  • There are different ways of doing yoga in Namaskara & pranam Sthiti, one which is done through the Surya Namaskar sequence and other ways which are done through many other yoga poses.
  • Yoga namaskar is simple but gives great strength to the entire health system.
  • Stand with your spine straight and lengthened and keep your feet hip-width distance and keep it parallel to each other.
  • Keep shoulders relaxed keep your arms to the sides and focus on a steady point.
  • Keeping your focus steady, keep breathing fold your arms, and bring your arms in the namaskar position touching your chest, and there should be a little tension in your arms.
  • Inhale deeply and slowly raise your arms (namaste pose) over your head and exhale deeply to bring your arms to the back of your head (wrist behind your neck) in the namaste position and inhale and come reverse (over your head) and exhale and bring your palms in front of your chest.
  • After doing these 3 to 4 times, keeping your palms in the folded position just squat down slowly and when you are in the squat position, do the same inhale lift your folded palms, and deep exhale bring it back of your neck.
  • Then do it in the reverse, inhale bring your hands overhead exhale deeply, and bring it in front of the chest and inhale keeping in a namaste position, straighten your arms and fingers pointing in front, and Do these 3 to 4 times.
  • Then inhale and bring your hands straight kneel and bring your head to the ground (Balasana pose) and relax. Your arms should be in front of your head and relaxed.
  • Now for Pranam Sthiti
  • This asana is done at the beginning and end of the Sun Salutation (consists of 12 poses) or Surya Namaskara which also includes standing forward bend downward dog pose. plank pose, cobra pose, equestrian pose
  • Stand straight (Mountain pose) keeping your feet together or a slight distance between the feet for comfort your feet should be grounded and firm.
  • Keep your neck relaxed and straight and your shoulders broad.
  • Now join two hands and palms joining the other and keep it at your chest level. Be mindful and look straight in front of you or you can close your eyes to connect with yourself.
  • Keep breathing and relax your body, as you inhale the energy flows in, and with an exhale you let go of the tension and the negativity.
  • This is the first step during the sun salutation and even the last step. It is also done with chanting of mantras for the sun god.

What are the Benefits of Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti?

Yogasana Namaskara
  • This helps to enhance the blood circulation to your entire body.
  • This helps to strengthen your legs, arms, hips, knees and ankles.
  • Yoga Namaskara also helps you better the digestion process.
  • It helps to develop your balance enhances your focus and concentration and improves your self-awareness.
  • Pranam sthiti helps to calm your mind and relax your nervous system and helps to get glowing skin
  • This pose also helps to align your body and improves your body posture.
  • This helps to open your heart chakra.
  • This helps to strengthen your shoulder muscles.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti

  • Yoga Namaskara helps to activate the lumbar region of the spine and keeps it healthy as you age.
  • This activates your abdominal muscles helps to keep your digestive system healthy and keeps your constipation and bloating away.
  • Regular practice can help to strengthen and tone your leg and arm muscles.
  • Yoga namaskar can also be helpful for pregnant women while giving birth.
  • Pranam sthiti (prayer position) can help to keep your nervous system healthy.
  • Regular practice can help you keep control over your stress and anxiety, by keeping your physical and mental health active and calm.
  • This helps to improve the way to express gratitude and appreciation.

Safety and Precautions

  • If you have a hernia, recent surgery, or severe injury avoid the yoga namaskar pose.
  • Pregnant women should avoid this during the later stages and for the safer side consult your doctor.
  • Keep breathing throughout both poses.
  • Do it on an empty stomach.

Common Mistakes

  • Not considering your health concerns.
  • Holding your breath.
  • Keep your core engaged.
  • Not pressing your palms against each other and leaving it casually.

Tips for Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti

  • For Yogasana Namaskara, keep a cushion below your feet while you squat.
  • Close your eyes, if possible, to connect your inner self.
  • Practice Pranam sthiti, facing the sun.
  • You can also keep your hands folded in front of your forehead.
  • Focus on deep inhalation and exhalation.

Physical Alignment Principles for Yogasana Namaskara & Pranam Sthiti

  • Keep your spine elongated.
  • Keep your feet grounded and firm.
  • Feet hip width distance for Yogasana Namaskara.
  • Activate your core muscles by tucking your navel to the spine.
  • Keep your shoulders broad and neck long and relaxed.
  • While squatting distributes the weight equally between both feet.
  • Both palms are joint and actively engaged.
  • shoulders to roll down the back and the elbows to rest at the sides of the rib cage in yoga Namaskara.
  • Gaze at a comfortable steady point or close your eyes.
  • Avoid hunching while you squat.
  • Keep your thighs active.

Yogasana Namaskara and Pranam Sthiti and Breath

Breath moves with the pose which helps to bring in energy. Take a relaxed breath before you start the pose. Breathe deeply when you take your hands away and exhale while you bring your joint palms (namaste position) to your heart chakra and release all the negative energy. Be mindful about your breath as this fills in with energy throughout your body and calms your body and mind. Feel the positive sensations in your body and connect with your inner self with your breath.

Yogasana Namaskara and Pranam Sthiti and Variations

  • Use a chair for people who can’t squat fully.
  • Use a soft cushion under your heel, while squatting.
  • Keep a yoga block to broaden your shoulders.
  • Keep a namaste position, in front of your forehead or above the crown of your head.

The Bottom Line

Pranam Sthiti or Yogasana Namaskara is a great pose for beginners. Practice this pose with gratitude and you will get many benefits like reducing stress and depression, increasing physical and mental activity, calming the mind and body and inner peace. Practice on an empty stomach and breathe with the movement so you can connect with yourself. If you have any health concerns consult a doctor and practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher.

Take Your Practice to Next Level with Our Courses

To start your yoga journey, join our 100-Hour Hatha Yoga course which is perfect for beginners and will give you a solid foundation in basic asanas like Pranam Sthiti. For a deeper understanding our 200-Hour Online YTT will cover a wide range of asanas and will enhance your practice. If you are ready to go further our 300-Hour Online YTT will go deeper into advanced techniques and asanas. Join us!

Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.
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