Janu: Knee
Asana: Pose
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana at a Glance
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana or the revolved head-to-knee pose is a variation of the Janu Sirsasana pose. This pose is included in the Hatha and Ashtanga yoga sequences and helps to open up your chest and hips. It also activates your Manipura and Swadisthana chakra.
- It helps to open your hips, chest, and shoulders.
- It helps to stretch your hamstring, calves, and ankles.
- This helps to stretch your abdominal muscles.
- This helps to improve blood circulation to most of the body.
- It improves your lung capacity and improves breathing capacity.
- It helps reduce stress and anxiety and soothes your body and mind.
Who can do it?
Individuals who are into intermediate or advanced-level yoga practice can do this pose. People with good core strength and flexibility can attempt this pose. Dancers can do this pose. Sportspersons can do this pose. Individuals who want to reduce their waist fat can do the Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana pose.
Who should not do it?
People with arm, knee, back, or leg injuries should avoid doing the Janu Sirsasana pose. People with any surgery should avoid it. People suffering from asthma, chronic joint pain, Gastrointestinal issues, COPD, or chronic shortness of breath should avoid doing it. Pregnant women should avoid this pose. Senior citizens should avoid doing it.
How to Do Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure
This asana can be added to your daily routine, which can help open your groin, chest, and hips, in addition, it gives a good stretch to your entire body and a good warm-up pose.
- Start by sitting on the mat in the upright seated position, keep your legs straight in front of you as you would sit in Dandasana, and sit tall and your sitting bones be grounded.
- Bend your left leg (left knee) bring the sole and press it to the right inner thigh and the heel should be near the groin and knee pointing outward.
- Inhale deeply and stretch upward, to the crown lengthen your spine turn your upper body slightly toward the right and lift your left hand overhead.
- Exhale deeply keep your left thigh engaged and start bending to your right from your hip, by bringing your right arm touching your right foot or the right toe- from inside of the thigh and placing the right elbow on the ground.
- Inhale open your chest and bring your left arm, exhale, and deepen your stretch, and touch your right foot.
- Keep the gap between the lower arm (right arm) and your head and your shoulders should be one over the other.
- Gaze up or in the front whichever is comfortable.
- Hold this yoga pose for a few breaths.
- When you want to exit, breathe in deeply, release your arms bring your torso straight release the legs, and relax in the Dandasana pose.
- Do this same procedure on your right side with the right leg folded and press to the left inner thigh and right knee pointing outward and keeping your left leg straight.
What are the Benefits of Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana?
- It helps to stretch and lengthen your hamstrings, spinal, and groin muscles.
- It helps to massage your abdominal organs and pelvic floor muscles.
- It helps to Tone the hip flexors of the extended leg and stretches the obliques and intercostal muscles.
- It helps to open and stretch your chest, rib cage, upper back, and shoulders.
- It improves the lung capacity by expanding the ribcage, which improves your breathing capacity.
- It helps to improve your focus and mindfulness.
Health Conditions that Might Beneficial from Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
- For people experiencing lower back pain and stiffness, this stretch can help your back pain and can prevent and help you manage postural problems.
- This pose massages your reproductive organs and can prevent menstrual discomfort.
- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana also stimulates your kidneys and liver, which helps in detoxification.
- Staying for a few breaths in this pose can naturally calm your brain and help with better focus. It reduces stress and anxiety and offers overall relaxation.
- This pose can help to reduce the extra fat from your hip and waist area.
- This pose can help improve your digestion issues and relieve bloating and gas.
- This pose can also help to relieve mild headaches.
Safety and Precautions
- Take precautionary measures if you have Knee, hip, or rib injury.
- If you have Diarrhoea or asthma, avoid this pose.
- Don’t stress your neck in the knee pose revolved head asana.
- Be aware of your body sensations while you exit the pose.
- Pregnant women should not practice without consulting their doctor.
- Practice in the morning on an empty stomach.
- If you feel any pain or discomfort, gently come out of the head-to-knee pose.
Common Mistakes
- Avoid doing it after the meals.
- Don’t force yourself to achieve perfection.
- Don’t skip the warmups and the preparatory poses.
- Proper alignment is important to protect from sprain or injury.
- Avoid forcing the stretch.
- Use props and support if needed.
Tips for Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
- Beginners for this pose should do it under the guidance of your yoga teacher.
- Breath should be the guide for the pose and avoid holding your breath.
- Be mindful and aware of your movements pay attention to the sensation in your body and experience the stretch.
- Keep your legs slightly bent and place a rolled-up blanket under your knees.
- It’s better to keep the bottom shoulder in contact with the inner knee for the beginner.
- You can improve by Regular practice, over some time.
- Keep your core muscles engaged.
- The thigh of the folded leg should be grounded.
- Respect your limits, be gentle to your body, and enjoy the moment in the pose.
Physical Alignment Principles for Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
- Keep the extended foot active and toes pointing upward.
- The other leg (left foot) foot should be pressed against the inner thigh of the opposite leg.
- Bending from the hips, and both buttocks in line and on the ground.
- Tuck your navel in and up toward the spine.
- Press the shin of the folded leg on the floor.
- Open your chest and shoulders.
- The elbow of the lower arm is bent and the elbow touching the mat and on the inner side of the extended leg and touching the thigh
- Arm opposite to the extended leg, touches the big toe of the extended leg.
- Keep a slight bend in the knee of the extended leg.
- Reach your left arm behind your left ear and hold the outside edge of your right foot.
- The bent knee points outward.
- Keep your neck and spine extended.
- Keep your neck relaxed and face to the foot of the bent leg.
- Gaze at a comfortable point without stressing your neck.
- The crown of the head should reach towards the toes of the extended leg.
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana and Breath
The breath during the Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana pose (revolved head to knee pose) seems like the movement of dance steps and this makes me feel better. While you breathe in you feel as if you are trying to reach your dreams, by opening your heart and body. While you breathe out, gently bending on the side, as if letting out all your negativity through your breath.
This feel of movement creates a comfortable stretch and helps you to relax. While you inhale, you are clear about your thoughts and emotions, and let go while you exhale. Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana, not only helps the physical body but also gives you mental satisfaction and peace.
Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana and Variations
- Baddha Konasana Variation: Bring the sole of the bent leg’s foot to the inner thigh of the extended leg, resembling a butterfly shape. This variation enhances hip opening.
- Janu Sirsasana poses (forward fold or forward bend).
- Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana is supported by the wall or the chair.
- Use blocks, cushions, or a folded blanket to sit on.
- Use a yoga strap to reach your toe.
The Bottom Line
The Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose is wonderful and like a secret helper for your body. It can fix tummy problems, reduce your stress, and help you to be happy and relaxed This could be helpful during your menstrual discomfort. Beginners should do it under the guidance of their yoga teachers. Any health concerns contact your doctor. Keep breathing and follow the physical alignment principles.
Parivrtta Janu Sirasana (revolved head-to-knee pose) is just not only about your body, it’s about how calm and happy you feel inside. Take a deep breath and embrace this pose for the positive transformation of your body and mind.
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