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Origin of Ayurveda

Updated on October 15, 2024
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There is a general understanding that Ayurveda is folk medicine or a compilation of herbal information. Most people may consider Ayurveda to be a pseudoscience, laced with myths and superstition. However, Ayurveda is more scientific than it meets the eye if we can decode the ancient text. In this blog, let us look at the origin of Ayurveda, as stated in Charak Samhita and other ancient Ayurvedic texts, and explore the Vedic origin of Ayurveda.

The Myth behind Origin of Ayurveda

Classical Ayurvedic texts Charak Samhita (1000 BCE), Sushrut Samhita (1000-1500 BCE), etc. state that Brahma, the divine creatorconceivedAyurveda before creating the universe.

The Divine Tradition

Charak Sanhita states that Brahma created Ayurveda, whereas Sushrut Samhita believes that the wisdom of Ayurveda descended in Brahma’s consciousness. Whatever be the case, Brahma created a compilation of this healing wisdom called Brahma Samhita. Brahma Samhita contained one hundred thousand shloka (verses).

As Brahma populated the universe with other subordinate deities, he passed on the wisdom of Ayurveda to them. First, he imparted Ayurveda to Daksha Prajapati (The head/leader of the populace). Ashwini Kumar, the celestial physicians learned Ayurveda from Daksha Prajapati and later taught it to Indra (Vedic king of gods).

The Mortal Tradition

Vedics divide the age of the universe into four epochs – satyuga, treta yuga, dwapar yuga, and kali-yuga. Satyuga was the first epoch when people enjoyed complete spiritual, mental, and physical health. But, all aspects of health gradually deteriorated over the ages. Mental and physical diseases replaced the perfect state of health.

According to Charak Samhita, as humanity suffered from terrible diseases, sages from all over the world gathered in a symposium to find a solution. They concluded that someone must approach Indra, the king of gods, and receive the healing wisdom of Ayurveda. The Sage community appointed Sage Bharadwaj as a representative to learn Ayurveda from Indra.

Sage Bhardwaj visited Indra and learned Ayurveda. Later, he taught Ayurveda to all eligible sages. His most famous disciple was Sage Atreya. Sage Atreya imparted Ayurveda wisdom to six disciples – Agnivesh, Bhel, Jatukarna, Parashara, Harit, and Sharpani.

Agnivesh created a compilation called Agnivesh Samhita. Later, Ayurveda experts like Charak and Drudbala produced commentaries on this ancient text. The final form of these commentaries is what we know as Charak Samhita.

The divine and mortal traditions have a similar pattern in all ancient Ayurveda texts. However, this mythical origin of Ayurveda is probably a code.


Brahma, the divine creator, created Ayurveda and taught it to the gods. The great seer Bharadwaj learnt Ayurveda from Indra, the Vedic king of gods and brought the divine healing wisdom to save humanity from diseases and premature death.

Ayurveda – The Manual of Life

Vedic tradition believes that human life aims to achieve union or yoga with the divine. A healthy body and long life offer a better chance of salvation. This is the reason why Brahma created Ayurveda before the universe.

Any creation first occurs in the mind. For example, a machine or a computer program starts with a seed idea. Then comes the details, design, or blueprint. Finally, the finished product appears. But a user manual develops from the blueprint itself; probably long before the actual product lands on the ground. Imagine that you buy that machine. Naturally, you will get the user manual with it!

The Vedic tradition believes that Ayurveda aligns itself to the fundamental laws of nature. Therefore, it emerges along with the blueprint of the universe.

If Brahma designed this universe and gave a healthcare manual called Ayurveda, does this mean that the universe works as a coding program? It is a simulation game made for us to understand the laws of nature?


Ayurveda is based on the fundamental laws of nature. It is like a manual for the long and healthy life that comes with the product – the human body.

The Simulation Hypothesis

Recent developments in quantum physics and artificial intelligence provide strong indications that the world that we live in may be a simulation. All the ancient traditions, esp. The eastern spiritual cultures have always maintained that the physical world is a cosmic illusion or maya. If this is true, then we might as well be living inside a video game!

Besides, the simulation theory provides realistic answers to the unsolved x files of quantum and relativistic physics. It is the key to the mysteries of the parallel universe, the speed of light, quantum indeterminacy, and so on. If it explains the inexplicable, then it may be true!

Today, more scientists agree that the present scientific approach is insufficient to understand natural phenomena. Besides, there is another reason for this inadequacy. While modern science uses linear calculations, most natural phenomena work on non-linear patterns. Therefore, science has a limited view of the vast number of patterns in the natural kaleidoscope.


According to mounting scientific evidence, the Simulation Hypothesis proposes that our world may exist as a learning simulation program, controlled by higher forces.

Where is heaven?

The law of energy says “energy is neither created nor destroyed. It transforms from one form to the other.” Vedas say the same thing about wisdom. It is neither created nor destroyed. Wisdom is eternal. Like energy, it is present in the cosmos and descends on a receptive mind.

Let us try to understand the origin of Ayurveda in scientific terms. If we believe in the simulation hypothesis, the concept of parallel universes becomes more believable. According to the parallel universe hypothesis, multiple invisible universes run parallel to our world.

All ancient cultures talk about the seven worlds and the major three are heaven, earth, and hell. Scientists today believe that there could be up to 25 dimensions or worlds along with our own. These worlds may exist at different energy levels or beyond the visible spectrum of light! There are multiple possibilities. It is time to review the ancient myths in a new light.


The theory of parallel universes proposes there can be multiple dimensions of conscious existence.

How can you connect with Parallel Universes?

A few decades back, science rejected the concept of ether (akasha mahabhuta). However, the twin photon experiment proved that everything is connected. All things in the universe together form a matrix, a body, just like the human body.

Our heart is the most sensitive organ. It is scientifically proven that the heart produces the most powerful electromagnetic field, stronger than the brain. And there is a strong possibility that it can communicate across parallel universes via changes in this strong field.

The ancient seers meditated upon the divine light in the heart and connected with the parent energy field. Therefore, possibly, Sage Bharadwaj meditated on the divine light, intending to receive Ayurveda.

Interestingly, the Sanskrit word Indra is similar to another word indriya (the sense organs). Vedas say that the human mind is atindriya (beyond the sense organs). The subconscious mind is the source of all knowledge in the world. Supernatural powers like energy medicine, telepathy, telekinesis, or the placebo effect are testimony to incredible powers of the mind.

Ancients believed that a receptive mind can connect with higher levels of existence, or realms and absorb divine wisdom.


Meditation is a way to connect with the source/ the subconscious mind or the divine energy. It may be a way that ancients used to derive true knowledge or the laws of nature.

The Receptive Mind

Many discoveries were made in dreams, whether we talk about the benzene structure, the atomic structure, the periodic table, or the sewing machine needle. After all, our subconscious mind contains all the information. Ancients knew how to tap into wisdom by tuning our minds to higher vibrations.

According to the above discussion, there is a probability that Sage Bharadwaj connected with advanced beings in a higher realm or a parallel universe. Or he reached a higher state of consciousness during meditation, where he discovered the secret laws of nature.

Both conditions led him to the discovery of – Ayurveda, the healing wisdom.


Ancients discovered Ayurveda in a higher state of meditative consciousness.

Take Away

The ancients discovered Ayurveda in a higher state of consciousness. Today, modern science (esp. quantum physics) is discovering more links that demonstrate the validity of Ayurvedic wisdom. Let us cast aside blind faith, superstition, or prejudice against Ayurveda. Instead, let us keep an open eye and open heart towards the incredible possibilities and rise higher as a civilization. Enroll now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

Dr. Kanika Verma
Dr. Kanika Verma is an Ayurvedic physician in India. She studied Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery at Govt Ayurveda College in Jabalpur and graduated in 2009. She earned additional degrees in management and worked for Abbott Healthcare from 2011-2014. During that period, Dr. Verma used her knowledge of Ayurveda to serve charitable organizations as a healthcare volunteer.


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