Do you want to go into Chakra Meditation? This article will take you through the checkpoints to start this wonderful and fulfilling journey.
Chakra meditation is great for bringing balance and harmony into the body. There are many ways to do this and many different meditations. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of an imbalanced Chakra is an important first step. This is to help you identify the particular Chakra you need to work with. Once you have found the blocks and barriers, you can decide whether to do a particular chakra meditation or the spinning meditation to balance and centre all seven of your chakras within 10 minutes. These will point you to the Chakra or Chakras you need to work with and focus on restoring your body to good health.
This article will help you find the meditation practice that is just right for you. At the end of the article, you will find the best chakra meditation for a full healing experience.
Symptoms of Imbalanced Chakras
Each Chakra will let you know when it is out of balance in a range of physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms. The best way to identify these is by getting familiar with the list below:
- Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) – An out-of-balanced Muladhara Chakra could make you experience insecurity. You may feel unbalanced, ungrounded and anxious. Or experience financial insecurity or an inability to find a suitable home. In the body, pain could show up in the legs, feet, knees or lower spine. Back problems and body misalignment are often traced to Root Chakra issues.
- Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana Chakra) – When unbalanced, you may experience a lack of creativity, sexual energy and rigidity in mind and body. Physically, you will see this as problems with the sexual organs or reproductive issues.
- Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) – When unbalanced, the symptoms include a lack of drive and motivation, procrastination, and excessive anger. Physically it could show up in digestive issues and stomach, liver or spleen discomfort.
- Heart Chakra (Anahata Chakra) – When unbalanced, you will experience a lack of empathy and you may feel cold and closed off in the heart space. This is because there is either a lack of love or the inability to give or receive. This can manifest as cardiovascular disease and circulatory and heart problems in the body.
- Throat Chakra (Vishudda Chakra) – This Chakra rules the voice, so when there is an imbalance, you will lose confidence in speaking, not be able to discern truth from lies and struggle to express yourself. Physically this can mean losing your voice, excessive coughing, throat clearing or a sore throat.
- Third Eye Chakra (Ajna Chakra) — An imbalance will manifest as an inability to see clearly, a lack of connection to your intuition and disconnection from your inner wisdom. In the body, this imbalance can affect your vision and memory. Without foresight, one cannot turn your dreams into reality.
- Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra) — Feeling disconnected from your life and disassociated from your body is a big Sahasrara Chakra imbalance symptom. This can also present as depression, anxiety and other mental health-related conditions.
These symptoms are all indicators that there is an imbalance in the body. You can always restore the balance by bringing your focus to the Chakra that is out of balance and meditating on it to bring it back to harmony.
Working with Chakras
When working with the Chakras, the first thing to do is learn how to do a Chakra test to find out which one is the culprit that is causing an imbalance in your life. Once you know how strong or weak your chakras are, it is easier to work with them to bring them back to harmony.
You can work with meditation, colors, crystals, foods, and healing energy or connect with the elements to regain balance. Working with them usually involves focusing on the specific Chakra you want to heal and using your awareness to readjust the imbalances. You might need to make lifestyle changes to support the new energy you wish to bring into your life.
Meditation is one useful tool that you can use to bring yourself back on an even keel. You can do many things for yourself, such as eating Chakra colored foods and wearing chakra-colored clothes. But there will be times when it can be best to seek help from an energy healer or a professional who works with the Chakras.
How to Meditate on Chakras?
There are many ways of meditating on the chakras. You can do individual Chakra meditations for the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra or Crown Chakra if you are quite certain that your problems are localized to just one energy centre.
If you are looking for a general tune-up of all the Chakras, you can do a chakra-spinning meditation that visualizes the chakras in your body. This meditation for the chakras is a journey that will allow you to balance all seven chakras of your energy centres. This following visualization can be done whenever you need to bring your body back to harmony.
Sit comfortably in your favorite position and close your eyes. As you breathe, imagine the breath traveling up and down your spine. The inhale takes the breath from the base to the crown. The exhale takes the breath from the crown to the base. Follow this flow as you connect your breath with a golden light that energizes and awakens the entire chakra system. You can keep this flow going for around two to five minutes or longer if it feels comfortable.
Then, you will begin at the Root Chakra and bring awareness to the base of your spine. You can imagine a red wheel of energy that exists there and see the wheel spinning. It doesn’t matter in which direction or the speed at which it spins, just that you see it turning around in your visualization. Stay focused on this for seven deep breaths.
Then, you will continue the journey up the spine. Visualize an orange spinning wheel for the Sacral Chakra. Again, stay with that Chakra for seven deep breaths. Then move up and do the same with a yellow wheel with the Solar Plexus, a green wheel with the Heart Chakra, a blue wheel with the Throat Chakra, a purple wheel with the Third Eye Chakra, and finally, a golden light wheel with the Crown Chakra.
Once you have completed the process with the seven deep and nourishing breaths at the Crown Chakra, return to your consciousness and see how your body is feeling.
Everyone can do this meditation; it is the best chakra meditation to awaken your powerful energy centres. If you do this daily, ideally in the first 10 to 15 minutes of your day, you will begin to see your life develop a healthy energy flow and alignment. You will feel peace and fulfillment when your body’s energy is centered.
Finding What’s Right for You
To find the best Chakra meditation solution for you, it is best to try different ones. This will allow you to know what feels suitable for your body. Try individual Chakra meditations to learn about the different energies within your body from the following:
- Root Chakra Meditation for Grounding.
- Sacral Chakra Meditation for Creativity.
- Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation for Power.
- Heart Chakra Meditation for Unconditional Love.
- Throat Chakra Meditation for Clear Communication.
- Third Eye Chakra for Visions.
- Crown Chakra Meditation for Connection.
- Once you have tried these meditations individually, you can bring them together using the Chakra spinning meditation described above.
Your body energy will be very happy with the alignment it brings; this, in turn, will bring harmony into the physical and mental bodies.
The Bottomline
Chakra meditation is a great way to bring awareness to how these energy centers affect your body and mind. The greater the focus on these centres, the easier your life will flow. Meditation is just the beginning, as there are hundreds of tools and techniques that you can use to work with your chakras. You can look at our Online Course, Understanding Chakras, for the full experience.