
Introduction to the Root Chakra

Meaning, Symbol, Location and Color of Muladhara

root chakra introduction
Knowing about Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is the first of seven energy centers that make up the most important component of our body.

Located at the base of the spine, this chakra helps to ground us in our environment.

We will try and explore the basics of this chakra in this article.


The Chakras are an important part of the intricate spiritual tradition that originates in India. The word “chakra” comes from the Sanskrit term for spinning, which is what these energy centres were originally thought to do.

Help regulate the body’s life-giving forces by channeling them through various parts, like planets or wheels within our solar system.

The origins behind this idea go back at least 30,000 years ago, though the first documented references are known to be found in Vedas between 1,500 and 500 BC.

The Chakra system has seven major chakras. They are mainly responsible for regulating our physical, mental and bioelectric health.

The first one, called “Base Chakra” or “Root Chakra” is where we store all of the instincts that have been programmed into us since birth.

It affects every individual’s everyday choices which in turn shape their overall wellbeing.

We will be exploring the meaning, symbol, location, element, and color of Root Chakra in this article.

What is Root Chakra

The Root Chakra or Mūlādhāra as it is called in Sanskrit means “base/starter” for our development.

This first energy centre forms the starting point and basis for how we develop from there with life-force energies dividing cells during Embryogenesis.

While the spinal column begins developing at the bottom (root) moving up towards the crown, thereafter organs begin forming too.

When we think about the body’s “root” chakra it makes sense that – this is an area focused on stability and groundedness.

The sciatic nerve travels down through our legs connecting us with what lies beneath (earth), making it one of the most important parts of our nervous system. It invariably replicates what the root chakra does for the energy body.

The root chakra is the most basic of all your body energies. It affects everything from how you feel physically, to your emotional well-being and even spiritual development!

This part helps with needs such as safety or having something fundamental fulfilled, like food on our plate each day.


The Root Chakra also known as the Muladhara chakra, is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with your survival instincts, security, and grounding.

Your Root Chakra has a huge impact on everything that happens in your body. It can affect how you feel physically, emotionally or as an overall being.

What is the Meaning of Root Chakra

The Sanskrit word ‘Muladhara’ can be broken down into two words: Mula means “root” and Adhara means “support” or base.

To understand Root Chakra’s meaning more deeply, we can begin with the word ‘Root’. The phrase “rooted in” suggests that there’s nothing else beneath other than the ground.

Just as a plant cannot grow without being rooted to the ground, which gives it nourishment and stability, similarly the Root Chakra acts as the link between our energy system and the physical world.

It gives us the motivation for eating, sleeping, or procreation as well as helps in maintaining integrity in both our psychological and spiritual nature – in turn developing a sense of belonging within ourselves.

The Root Chakra connects you to the ground of your being, acting as a foundation for all associated feelings and experiences.

It can have a noticeable impact on how you feel both physically, emotionally and spiritually because it helps us find our safe space in this world.

In a Nutshell

The Root Chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is located at the base of the spine.

It is associated with your survival instincts, security, and grounding. Your Root Chakra has a huge impact on everything that happens in your body. It can affect how you feel physically and emotionally, just to begin with!

Where is the Root Chakra Located

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, just around your tailbone.

It’s close to the reproductive and digestive organs, so it makes sense that this is one of the main areas in your body responsible for generating energy within.

Just as with a plant, the roots weave throughout all its parts – gathering nutrients from the soil and sending them out through the branches.

So it’s no wonder that the Root Chakra is an important energy gateway or entry point where anything entering one side (incoming energy) goes through – before being distributed across different chakras and energy pathways called “nadis.”

The Symbol of Root Chakra

In the ancient world, flowers were often adapted as symbols. In this case, the Root Chakra symbol is a red lotus with four petals that bear the Sanskrit character ‘Va’ ‘Scha’ ‘Shai’ ‘Sa’ – which means “Voice of Vishnu.

These letters represent Muladhara or Root Chakra. ‘Lam’ is its corresponding mantra!

The yellow square at the centre encompasses Prithvi Tattva meaning Earth element, it also has another name: yantra-namaskar (symbolic representation).

Further the four petals also encompass a yellow square and an inverted triangle. As the Root Chakra is the meeting place for three important ‘nadis’ (energy channels) – Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna – the triangle pointing down indicates that energy flows from this area of your body towards lower regions while flowing along these channels.

The Root Chakra is considered the birthplace of human consciousness. It is from this point that we experience our passage into self-awareness or ego.

From a traditional perspective, the four petals on the Root Chakra symbol represent the ‘purusarthas’ or goals in life.

These include dharma (a virtuous lifestyle), artha (meaningful work), kama (pursuing cosmic desire), and vimoksha (persuasion of the path of enlightenment).

The symbol within this circle represents an earth-oriented downward force called SUSHUMNA which leads us down into MATERIALISM

And at its base lies KUNDALINI SERPENT wrapped around SHIVA LINGAM pointing up towards heaven while below it sits an elephant-headed lord representing qualities associated with these energies.

Root Chakra Deities: The elephant-headed god, Lord Ganesha is the first deity associated with this chakra.

He is shown being grounded and full of himself – he likes his physicality as it is – happy in this form! The other deities depicted inside the square are Child Brahma dispelling fears, while the female deity Dakini manifestation (symbol) of Shakti symbolising seeds believed to contain essence or birthing energy.

To Summarize

The Root Chakra symbol is a red lotus with four petals encompassing a yellow square and an inverted triangle.

The seed syllable ‘LAM’ in the centre of this root chakra symbol is a sacred sound that can wake up our intrinsic energies.

Each petal contains one or more Sanskrit letters, ‘va’ ‘Sch’ ‘Scha’ ‘Sha’ ‘Sa’ – the four different pursuits of life or ‘purusarthas’.

The Color of Root Chakra

The color red in the Root Chakra symbol represents power, energy, strength, ability, effort, and capability of evolution to move towards awakening.

The color red symbolises not just physicality but also the passion people can feel for each other, which on the one extreme could be concern or love or on the other extreme, jealousy or even rage.

How to Work through Root Chakra

It is important to keep the energies at the Root Chakra balanced. If it’s not that way, we may feel unsafe or insecure.

We may unduly worry about our basic needs not being met or not supported by our family, friends, or community. We may feel disconnected from the earth and our bodies, or ungrounded and unstable.

Some ways to balance your Root Chakra:

  1. You can meditate on the color red or visualise a red light shining on your Root Chakra.
  2. You can also meditate on the seed mantra ‘Lam’ or affirmations like ‘I am safe, I am grounded’.
  3. You can practice balancing yoga poses that ground you and help you to feel stable and secure. Try the Mountain pose, Tree or Warrior pose.
  4. You can connect with nature. Spend time outside in the sun and fresh air, and take out some time to walk barefoot on the earth.
  5. You can also use essential oils that are red in color, such as rosemary, peppermint, and ginger.


To keep the Root Chakra balanced it’s important to be aware of the emotions and sensations associated with it.

These may include exploring feelings of safety and security, or identifying areas where you feel disconnected or unsupported. Working through these emotions can help to bring greater balance to this energy center.

The Bottom Line

The Root Chakra is responsible for our most basic needs, representing protection and life. It gives us a sense of security when the chakra is healthy.

It allows room for growth both spiritually as well as emotionally, so you can feel love again or experience passion without undue fear.

This is a function of the Root Chakra. It has a red four-petaled lotus as its symbol to represent the various capacities and aspects of this chakra.

A healthy Root Chakra gives you a balanced material and spiritual life. You may wish to seek the help of experts to help you achieve that.

We recommend you access our detailed course on all 7 Chakras here ‘Understanding Chakras’. One of its kind, this course will give you in-depth learnings you always aspired for.

siddhi yoga chakra certification
Harshitaa Sharma
Ms. Sharma is a Consciouspreneur, Writer, Yoga, Mindfulness, and Quantum Meditation teacher. From an early age, she had a keen interest in spirituality, saint’s literature, and social development and was deeply influenced by masters like Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharishi, Sri Poonja Ji, and Yogi Bhajan.

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