Sahaja Yoga Meditation connects you with the godhead – the source of peace, joy and true knowledge. Learn how to practice this type of meditation here.
Do you want to be one with God or achieve enlightenment? How about uniting with your true self? This article will teach you how to do that through Sahaja Yoga.
What is Sahaja Yoga?
Sahaja Yoga is a school of Yoga created by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. One of its foundational rituals is meditation. Sahaja Yoga means uniting with the divine or the universe. It comes from the Sanskrit words Saha, which means “with,” Ja, which means “born,” and Yoga, which means “to yoke or unite.”
Sahaja Yoga aims to bring self-realization through meditation. Practitioners of this school of Yoga believe that everyone is born with the divine energy within – the Kundalini – which lays dormant in our sacrum bone. To awaken the Kundalini, they think one needs to practice Sahaja Yoga meditation. When it is awakened, the practitioner will unite with the divine energy and gain ultimate liberation.
Practitioners of Sahaja Yoga also believe that practicing asanas, chanting mantras, and other activities are unnecessary to achieve enlightenment or unification with the divine. They think you don’t need conscious effort to achieve that. You only need to ask the divine to connect with you and have faith. Thus, the core practice of this branch of Yoga is meditation.
Because Sahaja yoga doesn’t have a set of practices, such as pranayama or yoga asanas, some consider it difficult or think it is for advanced meditation practitioners only. You also cannot learn advanced lessons about this type of Yoga as it is only for practitioners who have attained enlightenment.
It is recommended that seekers treat Sahaja yoga as a scientific hypothesis. When individual experimentation proves the practice to be adequate, accept it as divine truth.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Unlike other types of meditation that focus the mind on something, get you to visualize a scenery, or chant mantras repeatedly, the Sahaja Yoga meditation focuses on subtle energy. It uses the Kundalini to cross to the Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna), located on the forehead, between your eyebrows. It will then cross the 7th chakra or the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara), situated in the crown of your head, which leads to supreme consciousness or awareness.
Sahaja Yoga’s philosophy says other types of Yoga keep us from attaining the ultimate reality or awareness. Because the different types still use mental activity, operating at the level of the 6th chakra, through chanting or creative visualization. On the other hand, Sahaja Yoga practices thoughtless awareness of the subtle energy (prana) within.
The Subtle System
Sahaja Yoga follows the subtle system of the body. The subtle system is composed of the following:
Kundalini is the Sanskrit term that means “coiled.” It is a form of divine feminine energy that sits at the base of your spine or in the sacrum. When awakened, it rises to your Muladhara chakra through the Sushumna Nadi or the Central Nadi.
Chakras are energy centres in the body. They run from the base of your spine up to the crown of the head. There are seven major chakras in the body. Each one is associated with specific internal organs, nerve bundles or emotions.
Nadis are the energy channels in the subtle body. They carry the prana (life force/energy) from one chakra to another. When the Nadis are blocked, the life force cannot flow freely. When this happens, we become weak or ill.
There are three Nadis in the subtle body. The right (Pingala) or masculine energy. The left (Ida) or feminine energy and the center (Sushumna) is a balance between the two energies.
Goals and Techniques
The goal of Sahaja Yoga is self-realization or moksha (enlightenment), which is uniting with the divine – the source of liberation, happiness, peace, and wisdom.
How to Do Sahaja Yoga Meditation
To achieve the goal, you need to awaken the Kundalini. Practitioners of Sahaja Yoga believe you can get the same effect by viewing Shri Mataji’s photo while meditating. But you have the option not to take her photo.
When practicing Sahaja Meditation, you can raise the Kundalini and put yourself in a Bandhan at the beginning or the end of the meditation. According to Sahaja Yoga practitioners, doing both brings balance and protection into our system.
It’s important to note that you may not feel anything while raising the Kundalini and putting yourself in a Bandhan, especially during the first few meditation sessions. However, have faith that it will balance your subtle system and gives you a protective aura.
Steps to Practise Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Find a quiet space to sit comfortably for a few minutes without distraction. If you like, place a photo of Shri Mataji close to you. Sit on a chair, a bolster, or directly on the ground with your legs crossed. Then place your left hand on your lap with the palm facing forward and the right hand on the left side of the chakras as instructed below.
- Place the right hand on the heart chakra and ask yourself, “Shri Majali, am I the spirit?” Repeat this question three times.
- Move the right hand and place it on the upper part of the stomach, under your ribs. Ask yourself,” Shri Mataji, am I my own Master?” Repeat this three times.
- Move your hand to the next chakra, the Swadhishthan chakra, which you can find in the place where the legs and torso meet. Place your hand there and ask, “‘Shri Mataji, please give me pure knowledge.’ Repeat this question six times.
- Bring the right hand up under the ribs and say this phrase ten times, “Shri Mataji, I am my own master.”
- Move the hand back to your heart chakra and say this affirmation assertively,” Shri Mataji, I am the Spirit.” Repeat this phrase 12 times.
- Bring the right hand to the left side of the neck and turn the head to the right. Say this phrase 16 times: ‘Shri Mataji, I am not guilty.’
- Move the right hand towards the forehead and squeeze it lightly. Then say these words repeatedly (there’s no magic number here), “Shri Mataji, I forgive everybody.’
- Move the right hand and put it towards the back of the head. Lean the head back and say this phrase, ‘Shri Mataji, if I have made any mistakes, please forgive me.’
- Now spread the fingers wide and place the right hand on top of your head in the fontanelle area. Massage the scalp and say this phrase seven times, “Shri Mataji, please give me my Self-Realisation.” After this, place your right hand on your lap and sit, meditating for a few minutes. Again, you can open your eyes and look at Shri Majali’s photograph and stay here without thinking of anything. Or you can close your eyes.
- You may feel a cool breeze from your palms up to your head. When you feel this, it means the Kundalini has risen. You can also bring your right hand on top of your head and your left hand a few inches to notice if you can feel a breeze coming from your head.
You can follow this entire process to do a Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Once you have practiced regularly for a few weeks, practicing exercises 1,7,8 and 9 will be sufficient.
Raising the Kundalini and Putting a Bandhan
You can raise your Kundalini and put on a Bandhan at the beginning or end of your Sahaja Yoga meditation. You can also do these exercises as a ritual before starting or ending any activity in your life. Raising the Kundalini will keep you balanced while putting on a Bandhan will protect you.
Raising the Kundalini
Here are the steps on how to raise your Kundalini:
- Sit comfortably on a chair, a bolster, or directly on the ground.
- Bring your left hand, with the palm facing inwards, in front of your belly.
- Bring the right hand in front of your left hand. Use the right hand to circle the left hand slowly in front, down, and back motions while bringing the hands up toward the top of your head. Once the hands reach the top of your head, lean the head backward and do a knot once.
- Do this three times. On the second time, do two knots. On the third time, do three knots.
Putting on a Bandhan
Here are the steps on how to put on a Bandhan:
- Bring your hands on your lap with the palms facing forward in a seated position.
- Bring the right hand to your left hip, then bring it up over your head and down to your right hip.
- Do this seven times to protect the seven chakras.
Clearing your chakras is to prepare for the prana to flow freely. You can do any of these techniques before or after the meditation. These techniques will remove our catches or the signals we get from the chakras. Doing these clears the way for the Kundalini and helps it rise to the Sahasrara chakra. Regularly practicing these clearing methods will accelerate the process of unblocking the chakras.
Foot Soaking
Foot soaking clears your chakras and helps the Kundalini, but it’s also very relaxing. Here’s how to do it.
- Prepare a basin with cool or lukewarm water and salt. Also, prepare a small container filled with rinsing water, a towel to dry the feet, and a chair.
- Place a photo of Shri Majali close to where you will do the clearing. Light a candle to attract fire energy.
- Sit down on the chair and soak your feet in the basin filled with water and salt. Place your hands on top of your lap with palms facing up.
- Raise the Kundalini and put on a Bandhan.
- Meditate for 10-15 minutes and finish by raising the Kundalini and putting on a Bandhan again.
- Rinse and dry your feet and move to a different space where you can comfortably sit in meditation for at least five minutes.
Giving Vibrations with Chakra Bandhan
To do this clearing technique, you must have a picture of the Shri Majali. Here are the steps:
- Put your left hand on the photo of Shri Majali. Close your eyes.
- Put your right hand on the chakra that needs vibration.
- Make a clockwise circle with your right hand (always down on the left side) for one minute.
- Then rest your hands on your lap and notice if there’s a cool sensation in your hand. If there is, you have successfully cleared the vibration on that chakra.
Giving Vibrations with Chakra Affirmations
Another clearing technique you can do is give vibrations with chakra affirmations. How to do it depends on which Nadi or channel the chakra you want to clear is location.
For chakras in the left or center channel (Nadi):
- Place your left hand on the picture of Shri Mataji.
- Place your right hand on the area in your body where you can find the chakra you want to clear.
- Say an affirmation relevant to the chakra you want to give vibrations. Always make the affirmation in the present tense. If you cannot think of an affirmation, you may say, “Mother, please clear this vibration.”
You can follow the steps above for chakras in the right channel that needs clearing. However, put your right hand on the photo of Shri Mataji and your left hand on the chakra location. Then say the affirmation.
Balancing the Vibrations of the Channels (Nadi)
The vibrations in your Nadis or channels need to be equal. You can do the technique below to balance them out.
Right Channel
You will know if the right channel needs clearing or vibrations when the right-hand feels heavy or hot or if there is no sensation. To clear this:
- Sit down in your most comfortable seated position with Shri Majali’s photo in front of you.
- Place your right hand on your lap with the palm facing in front.
- Bring the left up, at the side of your face, with the palm facing the back.
- Then say, “Mother, please cleanse, nurture and empower my right side.”
Left Channel
The left channel needs vibrations if the left-hand feels hot or tingling. To do this:
- Sit down with your legs crossed and place your left hand on Shri Mataji’s photograph.
- Then place the right hand on the ground.
- Then say, “Mother, please cleanse, nurture and empower the left side.
If you feel equal vibration on your right and left hand, your left and right channels are balanced. You can continue and nurture this by sitting in a meditation pose with your hands on your lap and palms facing up.
The Bottomline
Sahaja Yoga is the beginning of your spiritual journey. It will open new dimensions of awareness for you, which you can use to guide yourself toward a more peaceful and harmonious life. To achieve this, you have to practice Sahaja Yoga Meditation regularly.
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