
Prithvi Mudra: Meaning, Benefits, and How to Do

Prithvi Mudra is known to improve digestion and help with knee pain. Learn about the many benefits of Prithvi Mudra.

prithvi mudra

What is Prithvi Mudra? Its Meaning, References, and Mythology

The Earth is known as Prithvi in Sanskrit. It includes all solid matter, not just rocks and terrain. Earth’s characteristic is steady, stable, unmoving, and inert. The Earth element symbolizes confidence, strength, stability, and firmness in life.

The Prithivi Mudra, a hand gesture that combines the thumb and ring fingers to balance the earth element in the body, is a simple hand gesture. You can feel more connected to yourself by balancing the earth’s element.

Prithvi Mudra is a spiritual essence in yoga. It calms the mind and gives you a sense of groundedness.

In addition to the spiritual essence, the thumb’s tip comes into contact with the Prithvi Mudra and stimulates the pineal gland 1. This helps in the body’s healing process. Prithvi Mudra promotes the healing of ailments in the body and mind.

Sanskrit term Prithivi means “vast one”, which is the goddess Earth (in Hinduism). The thumb represents the energy of the fire element, while the ring finger represents the energy earth element. This Mudra balances the elements of the body by combining the movements of the thumb and ring fingers.

It is also known as Prithvi Vardhak Mudra because it increases the Prithvi element (earth) in the body. This Mudra can also reduce the Agni element (fire) in the body. It is also known as Agni Shamak Mudra.

The Prithivi Mudra can help eliminate energy deficiencies in the root chakra. This energy is crucial to your ability to feel mentally and physically strong, as well as vital. 

Alternate Names of Prithvi Mudra

Prithvi Vardhak Mudra, Agni Shamak Mudra.

How to Do Prithvi Mudra?

  • Come into a sitting or kneeling position such as an Auspicious pose (Swastik Asana) or accomplish pose (Siddhasana), etc. 
  • However, this Mudra can also be practiced standing in Tadasana or sitting on a stool.
  • You will need to touch your thumb with the tip of your ring fingers in order to perform Prithvi Mudra.
  • The rest of your fingers should be extended. Make sure to extend the other fingers in a relaxed position.
  • You should use both hands. Gently touch the tips of your thumbs to the tips of your ring fingers. 
  • You can add Mooladhara chakra awareness along with its Beeja Mantra.
  • Breath slowly and gently and witness the grounding.

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Benefits of Prithvi Mudra

prithvi mudra benefits
  • The practice of Prithvi Mudra preserves the balance between earth and water elements in the body. This Mudra aids in healing tissues and boosting tissue growth.
  • Prithvi Mudra also heals cuts, wounds, dry skin, cracked skin, fractures in bones, the density of bones, and brittle nails. This Mudra gives your face a radiant glow.
  • The nose also contains a significant amount of earth. The body lacks the earth element, which can lead to nasal disorders. Nasal disorders can be prevented by Prithvi Mudra, which increases the earth element within the body.
  • Prithvi Mudra can be very beneficial in hair growth as well as weight gain.
  • This Mudra, in the case of weight loss, is exactly the opposite of Surya MudraSurya Mudra increases the body’s fire element, so we lose weight. Prithvi Mudra decreases it, and we gain weight.
  • It can also be helpful to Prevent the Loss Caused by the Excessive Fire Element in Your Body
  • It stimulates the Muladhara Chakra.

Precautions and Contraindications of Prithvi Mudra

prithvi mudra precautions

These are the things you should do to get the most out of this Mudra:

  • Do not press too hard on the tips of your thumb and ring fingers. Otherwise, it will be difficult to focus.
  • This Mudra requires deep concentration. Therefore, practice it in quiet places.
  • Kapha Dosha is caused by excessive Prithvi MudraKapha Dosha is where the earth element is present. You should avoid Kapha Dosha if you have it. This Mudra can increase Kapha Dosha and lead to excess mucus and weight.
  • Pregnant women should not use Prithvi Mudra. Because the body is more sensitive during this stage, even a small amount of an element can cause problems. This is why pregnant women shouldn’t perform the Mudra.

When and How long to do Prithvi Mudra?

Morning is the best time for any yoga or Mudra. Our minds are at their most alert and freshest during the morning. This makes it easier to concentrate. For best results, perform the Mudra between 4 and 6 am.

You can still do this Mudra even if it is difficult to do in the morning.

You should practice Prithvi Mudra at a minimum of 30-40 minutes daily. You can do it as many times as you wish. Research 2 suggests that you should practice a Mudra for at least 20 minutes to get the best results.

Breathing in Prithvi Mudra

  • Slow, even, and deep breaths are promoted. In a single breath, try to breathe for at least 20-30 seconds

Visualization in Prithvi Mudra

You can either stand or sit in a chair. Your feet should be parallel to the ground. Imagine inhaling Earth energy through your soles. You can guide it upwards through your legs, back, and throat, into your head, and out into the cosmos. For a few seconds, hold your breath. Inhale: The energy is like a golden rain and sinks back to Earth. There is a delicate balance between giving and taking. Imagine a catch basin on your pelvic floor. Let the energy flow into your pelvis. This can be repeated several times.

Affirmation in Prithvi Mudra

I feel secure, confident, assertive, and able to stay strong. I feel joy, pleasure, and enthusiasm because of the power of the cosmos.


Prithvi mudra is a gesture that helps to ground and connect us with the earth. Practicing Prithvi Mudra regularly can experience its many benefits, including increased vitality and better circulation. If you’re interested in learning more about this mudra or exploring other mudras, join our Mudra Certification Course. In this course, you’ll learn 108 different mudras and their meanings, how to use them for healing, and more.

Divyansh Sharma
Divyansh is Yoga, Meditation & Kinesiology Teacher who has been practicing Yoga and Meditation Since 2011. The Idea of correlating Yoga with Modern Sciences fascinates him the most & to feed his curiosity, he keeps on exploring new things every day. He has accomplished a Master's in Yogic Sciences, E-RYT-200, and RYT-500.

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