
Utkatasana or Chair Pose

Benefits, Contraindications, Tips and How to Do

English Name(s)
Chair Pose
उत्कटासन / Utkaṭāsana
Utka: Raised or Elevated
Asana: Pose
Pose Type

Utkatasana at a Glance

Utkatasana, also known as “Chair Pose“. It is a low squatting pose with hips back and chest forward, looking like an invisible chair is kept behind. Both the arms are above the head and in line with the ears. The spine is kept elongated.


  • The pose greatly enhances the strength of the Leg muscles as it includes squatting.
  • It engages the core area and helps in improving spine stability.
  • The balance is improved as it engages the core area, thus strengthening the abdominal part.
  • The ankle has to be twisted to an angle to get the pose so it improves ankle flexibility and strength.
  • The practitioner mimics the shape of sitting on an imaginary chair. Holding this pose might be challenging for the practitioner.
  • Target Area: legs, glutes, shoulders, ankles, spine, pelvis

Who can do it?

Beginners to advanced-level practitioners, people who want to strengthen their legs and glutes, and people suffering from stress and anxiety can practice this pose.

Who should not do it?

  • People suffering from chronic diseases like arthritis or any other knee injury should avoid the pose or do it with some modification or props like a wall.
  • The pose demands the spine to be kept straight, and the person has to lean in front so it may increase the pressure at the back, so people having back pain should avoid the pose.
  • People with any pain in the hip region should avoid this pose.
  • People with this condition should take utmost care as it increases pressure on the cardiovascular system.


The name of the pose is due to its emulation of a chair. The practitioner engages the leg muscles, core, and upper body to maintain balance, creating a feeling of strength and grounded energy. Utkatasana significance goes beyond its physical attributes. It exemplifies an effort to balance surrender, strength, and flexibility, thus interconnecting mind, body, and spirit. The practice of Utkatasana encourages practitioners to find stability and grace amid challenges. The pose can be explored in varieties, like twisted forms with many other variations.

The pose should be mainly practiced to strengthen the muscles. This asana focuses on the body, legs, hips, and thighs. Arms, neck, and also shoulders. It brings about a sense of motivation and positivity as it thoroughly energizes the body and reduces stress to a great extent.


Utkatasana balances Root Chakra (Muladhara), Sacral chakra (Swadhisthana), and Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura). The pose helps a person feel more connected and empowered and be in the present moment. It also fosters inner acceptance and promotes focus and creativity.

How to Do Utkatasana?
Follow the Step-by-Step Procedure

Begin by standing tall in Tadasana (mountain pose) with your feet wide apart and weight evenly distributed. Take a few deep breaths.

  1. Inhale and lift your arms straight up towards the ceiling, palms facing each other.
  2. With the arms overhead, exhale while bending your knees as if sitting on a chair. Keep your thighs parallel to the ground as close as possible and hips slightly back.
  3. Keep your weight in your heels and press through your feet to engage your leg muscles. Keep your knees bent, aligned over your ankles, and pointing in the same direction as your toes.
  4. Draw your tailbone down and engage your core muscles to support your lower back.
  5. Keep your chest lifted, and open your shoulder. The spine should be lengthened. Gaze forward or slightly upward, maintaining a neutral neck position.
  6. Create stability. You can deepen the chair pose by exhaling and sinking slightly, engaging your leg muscles even more.
  7. Hold the pose for several breaths to maintain a steady and even breath.
  8. To come out of the pose, inhale as you straighten your legs and return to standing, releasing your arms back to your sides.

What are the Benefits of Utkatasana?

  • Strengthens Leg Muscles: It engages the muscles of the thighs, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. Holding the pose increases the stability of knees and hips too.
  • Tones Glutes: Lower body strength is greatly enhanced with the practice of the pose, as it includes glutes.
  • Enhances Core Strength: The core has to be kept engaged to hold the pose, so it helps in increasing the core strength.
  • Improves Posture: With the practice of this pose, the spine is lengthened, so it helps in improving the overall posture.
  • Stretches and Opens Chest and Shoulders: The extended arms above the head open up the chest and shoulders.
  • Increases Ankle Strength and Stability: Balancing on the pose requires the ankle to be flexible and strong. With practice, ankles become strong and flexible.
  • Promotes Better Digestion: This pose targets the abdomen area, hence good for digestive organs.
  • Builds Mental Focus and Concentration: Balancing in Utkatasana requires concentration and focus. Focusing and maintaining balance for a long time build mental focus and concentration.
  • Energizes the Body: The muscles are engaged intensely, so it energizes the body.
  • Relieves Tension in Upper Back: The tightness in the shoulder and neck area is released with arms raised upwards.
  • Develops Patience and Perseverance: A lot of patience is required to stay in the pose, so it helps develop patience and perseverance.

Health Conditions that Might Benefit from Utkatasana

  • Enhanced Circulation: The bending of the knees increases the circulation on the lower part, which is good for people with varicose veins.
  • Stress Reduction: The pose helps relieve anxiety as it opens up the chest and removes any strain on the upper part of the body and the hip area.
  • Improved Respiratory Function: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma can be cured with this pose as it includes deep breathing throughout the practice.
  • Gut health: It improves gut health by targeting the core area.
  • Elderly People: The pose helps in improving balance which most elderly people face, so is a very good pose for them.
  • Immune System Modulation: The relaxation effect caused by the pose helps the immune system to get stronger.

Safety and Precautions

  • People with chronic knee pain may find it very difficult.
  • People with weak ankles should avoid the pose.
  • If the pose has an improper alignment, lower back issues can occur.
  • People having hip injuries should avoid the pose as it may worsen their condition. People having tight hip flexors should make use of props.
  • Pregnant women should avoid the chair pose as it targets the abdominal muscles.
  • The pose raises tension in the muscles, so it should be avoided in high blood pressure condition
  • The pose should be avoided in conditions that may increase the problem.
  • The chair pose increases pressure on the cardiovascular system, so should be avoided under such conditions.
  • A person new to yoga should care about posture alignment, as incorrect poses may result in worse body conditions.
  • Nervous system: It helps calm the mind and the nervous system.

Preparatory Poses

  • Surya Namaskar: Begin with the practice of Surya Namaskar, going 6 rounds. After completing all their round, the body is warm and ready for Utkatasana.
  • Vrksasana: This chair pose helps in opening up hips.
  • Garudasana: The interlocking of the thighs helps to tighten the thigh muscles and thus gives a smooth opening to knee caps. Some stretch to the neck and the hips also help open muscles to this asana.
  • Ardha Uttanasana: Stand straight and bend forward to put pressure on the core.

Tips for Utkatasana

  • Release the head of the thigh bones towards the heels.
  • Bring the arms straight to the top of the thighs and push the thighs towards the heels. With the arms overhead, press the heels into the floor and get the entire body weight distributed equally on both legs.
  • Lifting strongly sitting bones up to the pelvis, lean forward.
  • Continue as long as the pose is comfortable and there is no pain anywhere in the body.
  • The spine should be straight and the knees should be bent till the comfort level.
  • Then, at the last, try to lift the palms facing each other and straight over the head slowly.
  • Get the final pose and remain until the comfort level.
  • As you practice this chair pose, try to hold it longer.

Counter Poses

  • Balasana (Child’s Pose): The pose resembles a child and is relaxing after any deep stretch.
  • Prasarita Padottanasana C (Intense leg stretch Pose C): This asana stretches the hamstrings, adductor, and groin and opens the hips.
  • Badha Konasana (Butterfly Pose): This chair pose stimulates the abdominal organs and opens the hip joints.

Follow-Up Poses

Tadasana (mountain pose), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Malasana (Garland Pose), Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose), Balasana (Child’s Pose), Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose).

Modification with Props

  • With Mat: Roll up the mat under the heels.
  • Against a wall: A person can take support of the wall.
  • Modification of hand: Try keeping the hands at the heart as a person comes into the final pose instead of raising them.

Utkatasana and the Breath

  • Stand in tadasana, inhale and exhale, and lift your arms over your head. Keep your legs bent and as parallel to the ground as possible. Beginners should not bend their legs too much.
  • Inhale and exhale, relax your muscles and look slightly up, open your chest, keep your shoulders relaxed, and engage your core.
  • Maintain a few deep breaths and keep your feet firm on the ground and your spine straight. Pull your navel in.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths and release the pose by bringing your arms down and returning to the starting position. Relax.

Physical Alignment Principles of Utkatasana

  • In Utkatasana, your knees are bent and your gaze is up. Your spine should be straight with your chest open. Your shoulder should be relaxed and away from your ears. There should not be any strain on your neck. Your hand should be stretched and involved. Engage your core muscles. Maintain deep breaths. Keep your fingers stretched and involved.
  • Keep your spine straight, maintaining the natural curve. Your knees should not be out too much. Relax in the pose.
  • If there is any strain, modify the pose accordingly.

Utkatasana and Variations

Chair Pose on tiptoes, Chair Pose arms forward, Revolved Chair Pose, Half Chair Pose, Chair Pose downward facing dog pose flow, Standing Cat-Cow pose, Chair Pose Prayer hands.

Utkatasana with a Twist

A twisting chair or Parivrtta Utkatasana is a detoxifying pose that needs a deep twist from the spine region as a person holds a chair position, and the hips must be square. The pose is challenging as one needs to have good flexibility, strength, and balance throughout the pose.

Common Mistakes for Utkatasana

  • Knee Alignment: It has to be done properly till you are comfortable.
  • Arching the Lower Back: The spine should be straight and the palms lift should face each other while maintaining balance.
  • Tight Shoulders: There should not be any tension in the shoulder area.
  • Rounded Upper Back: The spine should be lengthened by keeping the spine straight for the correct pose.
  • Weight Centred: The whole body’s weight has to be equally distributed on both feet.
  • Not maintaining a Neutral Neck Position: There should not be any strain on the neck. It should be kept neutral so the gaze should not be too high and not make it an awkward pose.
  • Forcing for the Pose: The chair pose must be practiced gradually without any strain on any area. Make use of props whenever required.
  • Holding Your Breath: Breathe deeply, as holding your breath may decrease oxygen levels.
  • Lack of Focus: Utkatasana requires mental concentration for balance and alignment. Lack of focus can compromise your form and stability.
  • Overexertion: Trying to push through discomfort or pain can lead to injury. Practice within your comfort range and gradually build strength and flexibility over time.
  • Improper Foot Alignment: Make sure your feet are parallel to each other and hip-width apart. Misaligned feet can affect balance and alignment and also the lower body.


Does it make any difference if the feet are together or apart?

The position of the feet targets different muscle groups so the alignment has to be proper.

Should I try and sink as low as possible?

The spine must be kept straight and the hips must be kept square with thighs parallel to the ground. During the whole practice, one has to stay connected to breadth.

What are the warning signs for knees?

A person should not feel any kind of pain in the knee joint. If it is there, it is a sure sign to back off.

The Bottom Line

Utkatasana is a powerful pose, also known as Chair Pose Utkatasana or Fierce Pose Utkatasana is a great pose that offers a wealth of physical, mental, and energetic benefits. Practicing Utkatasana provides practitioners with a unique combination of both the body and the mind by incorporating a sense of balance and patience. By practicing this pose with intention and proper alignment, individuals can unlock a variety of advantages that contribute to their overall well-being. As it is a very strengthening and energy-giving asana that brings all the body parts into a cohesive and powerful whole, through continued practice of this asana overall well-being can be greatly enhanced.

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Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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