
Third Eye Chakra Yoga

Ajna Chakra Yoga Poses, Sequences & Techniques

Want to open your third eye chakra and increase your psychic abilities? Check out these yoga sequences and poses that will help you do just that!

third eye chakra
The Ajna Chakra


The concept of Chakras originates from ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. They are a system of energy flow governing our subtle body – something which cannot be visibly seen but still affects important organs, nerve bundles, and glands.

It is known as our intuition and inner wisdom. The natural and universal guidance we all have inside and can feel on a deeply spiritual, emotional, and physical level.

Also known as the Ajna Chakra, the Third Eye is supposed to light up our life path, leading us in the direction we truly wish to experience life and clarifying our very purpose in life.

A balanced and open Ajna Chakra shows its energy through clear thought, self-awareness, self-trust, listening to one’s needs and instincts, as well as following what one truly feels is good for them and the rest of all living beings.

Having a sense of communal energy of the Universe is also a strong sign that the Third Eye Chakra is open and balanced.

The Third Eye Chakra and Yoga

There are 7 main chakras in the yogic tradition. The entire system is said to have at least 114 chakras, each with energy wheels governing the subtle body inside and around us.

The Third Eye Chakra, the sixth of the seven main chakras, is located between the Heart and the Crown Chakras – in the center of the head, in between the brows.

The chakras are numbered from one to seven only by virtue of their positioning along the spine; none of the chakras is more important than the other. The chakras coexist in harmony and they all need care and attention every now and then.

Yoga and the Chakra systems are interlinked, with many practices such as meditation, pranayama, and yoga asanas done to manage the energy field, which is rooted in and governed by the chakras.

All of the above practices are used as a means to understand, feel, listen to and balance the Chakra System – the Third Eye Chakra included.

What we Learn

The Third Eye Chakra is the sixth of the seven main chakras in yogic teachings and is located between our eyebrows. Taking care of the entire chakra system along with Ajna Chakra helps maintain optimal balance of mind, body and emotions.

Best Yoga Flows and Sequences for Ajna Chakra Work

To reach the Ajna Chakra on a physical level, it is recommended to add a Third Eye Chakra yoga sequence few times a week.

A sixth chakra yoga flow often includes seated positions, forward folds, spinal twists and mudra work. It is also important to follow all the asanas in your practice with deep and conscious breathing.

Adding affirmations during a yoga asana practice, mudra work and meditation may also be beneficial for the Third Eye Chakra opening.

Below you will find a list of  Ajna Chakra Yoga Flows which are focused on opening and connecting with your intuition and inner wisdom:

15 Minutes for Intuition & Imagination of Your Sixth Chakra

Kundalini Yoga for the Third Eye and Crown Chakra


Anjna Chakra Yoga: Yin Yoga Class To Become More Intuitive

20 Min. Third Eye Chakra Yoga: Intuition, Wisdom, Clarity

Third Eye Chakra Yin Yoga & Affirmations for Intuition and Insight

Kundalini and Chakra Yoga Series

Best Third Eye Chakra Yoga poses

Candle Gazing – Trataka

Candle gazing is a profound Third Eye Yoga pose which focuses on the connective energy inside and around us. By stimulating our concentration centre, the Ajna Chakra can become more awake and active.

The light of a flame is a powerful energy source, making it easier to connect with the sixth chakra through a state of deep focus.

  • Place a candle at a comfortable distance, so your neck can remain upright as you gaze at the flame.
  • Begin with a seated position of choice, spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  • Calm your breath with a 4×4, or 6×6 conscious breathing pattern.
  • Once relaxed, focus your sight on the flame with intensity, allowing your eyes to brim up a bit with tears. Stay here as long as it feels comfortable.
  • Relax your eyes and lower your eyelids so you can still see the candle flame through your half-closed eyes.
  • Keep breathing gently and deeply while focusing on the light of the flame.
  • When you feel comfortable, close your eyes completely and bask in the sensation of the afterglow of light.
  • Breathe consciously focussing on the space between your brows for as long as it feels comfortable.

Alternate Nostril Breathing – Nadi Shodhana Pranayama

This breathing technique is known for its left-right brain hemisphere balancing properties. It harmonizes the energy between our Solar and Lunar energy as well as the “rational” and intuitive” parts of our mind.

  • Begin with a seated position of choice, spine erect and shoulders relaxed.
  • Calm your breath with a 4×4, or 6×6 conscious breathing pattern.
  • When you feel relaxed, place the index and middle fingers between your eyebrows focusing on the Third Eye Chakra.
  • Place your right thumb on the right nostril and rest the free fingers on the left wall of the nose.
  • Close the right nostril with the thumb and inhale through the left side.
  • To exhale, close the left nostril and release the right side, allowing the air to come out through the right nostril.
  • Repeat this breathing pattern at least 6 times.
  • Change sides, using your left hand to control the airflow, and now keep your inhales through the right side, and exhaling through the left.
  • Repeat this breathing pattern at least 6 times.
  • After finishing the pranayama on both sides, take a few normal breaths without controlling the airflow.

Extended Child’s Pose – Utthita Balasana

This Third Eye Chakra pose is known for its grounding and relaxation benefits. It is a soothing and gentle spine stretch, as well as a comfortable pose – to focus on deep full-body breathing.

  • Begin by sitting on your heels, in Vajrasana. Calm your breath, touch your toes at the back and relax your shoulders and open your knees wide apart.
  • From here inhale deeply, and while exhaling slowly lower forward from the hips to bring your forehead down to the ground. Your hands may be by the sides of your body or extended forward.
  • Stay here for a few deep and conscious breaths. Adjust your position and make yourself as comfortable as possible.
  • Once you find your pose, your asana, begin to focus your attention and awareness on your Third Eye Chakra.
  • You may focus on the sensation of connectivity of your Third Eye with the ground and earth.
  • Stay here, breathing consciously and slowly for as long as you wish to.

Other Throat Chakra poses

Beginner to Advanced poses progression for Third Eye Chakra

If you already feel comfortable with the previously mentioned asanas and wish to advance in your Third Eye Chakra exercises, we invite you to try the Ajna Chakra progressions listed below:

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana) – Extended Child’s Pose (Utthita Balasana) – Frog Pose (Adho Mukha Mandukasana)
  • Camel Pose (Ustrasana) – Camel Pose Variation Unsupported Arms – Sage Nahusha Pose (Nahushasana)
  • Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) – Pyramid Pose with Yoga Mudra (Parsvottanasana Yoga Mudra)
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) – One-Legged Bridge Pose (Eka Pada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

What we can conclude

Yoga sequences for the Third Eye Chakra are a physical practice which can help you reach the energy of your intuitive wisdom. By practicing and moving through what we can see and touch, it would then be possible to delve deeper into the Chakra System and the Third Eye Field of energy.

For more insightful teachings about the Chakra System enroll in our online Understanding Chakras course. Highly recommended by students who’ve attended this course and rated it 5 Stars everytime.

siddhi yoga chakra certification
Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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