
The Sacral Chakra: Healing Stones, Crystals, Foods & Music

sacral chakra

The Sacral Chakra plays is crucial for maintaining our overall health. We will discuss which stones, foods, and music can help maintain this chakra’s health.


The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, is the second chakra. It is located just below the navel in the pelvic region and is associated with the color orange. The sacral chakra governs our creativity, sexuality, and emotions.

When this chakra is balanced, we feel pleasure and joy. We’re able to express our emotions freely, and we have a healthy sexual appetite. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, we may feel dull, emotionally disconnected, or creatively blocked.

The sacral chakra is associated with the water element. Just as water is fluid and ever-changing, so too are our emotions. The water element teaches us that change is inevitable and that we must flow with the tide. When our sacral chakra is in balance, we can go with the flow of life and ride the waves of change with grace and ease.

The main quality of the sacral chakra is a pleasure. Pleasure is naturally embedded in us, and it’s what we learn to experience here first once we begin to perceive with our senses. We feel alive and vibrant when we’re in touch with our pleasure. We enjoy our sensual pleasures and have a healthy sexual appetite. We are creative beings, so when our sacral chakra is balanced, we can express our creativity freely.

The main function of the sacral chakra is to help you enjoy life. We’re more likely to feel joyful and content when we find pleasure in everyday moments. We are here to experience all that life offers, both the good and the bad.

The sacral chakra is also associated with the Moon. The Moon is ever-changing, just like our emotions. It also symbolizes fertility; when our sacral chakra is balanced, we can create and bring new life into the world.

The sacral chakra is associated with several body organs – the bladder, kidneys, lymphatic system, reproductive system, and large intestines.

There are various means and lifestyle practices to keep all the dimensions of this chakra balanced and healthy. We will discuss different foods, crystals, stones, and mantra music that can benefit the sacral chakra differently.

Stones & Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

sacral chakra healing stones crystals

Some many stones and crystals may be used to support the Sacral Chakra. The most popular sacral chakra stones are Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sunstone, and Tigers’ Eye. Each of these stones has unique properties and energies that can help balance and heal the sacral chakra.

  • Carnelian is a great stone for the Sacral Chakra because it is associated with creativity and sexuality. It can help to increase passion and vitality and is also known for its ability to boost fertility.

Properties: creativity, motivation, courage, confidence

Other Benefits: Helps you focus and direct your creative energies, gives you the boost you need to start new projects or ventures, and provides courage and confidence when taking risks or facing difficult challenges.

  • Orange Calcite is another excellent sacral chakra stone. It is said to help stimulate creativity and sexual energy. It can also help increase self-confidence and overcome shyness or insecurity.

Properties: creativity, enthusiasm, joy, and abundance

Other Benefits: Helps to increase creativity and inspiration, fills you with enthusiasm and joy, and attracts abundance and prosperity.

  • Sunstone is a beautiful stone that brings joy, happiness, and vitality. It is also helpful in increasing creativity and sexual energy. Sunstone is also known for its ability to bring down stress and tension levels.

Properties: happiness, positivity, good luck, and success

Other Benefits: Brings happiness and light into your life, helps to attract positivity and good luck, and brings success in all your endeavors.

  • Tiger’s Eye is a powerful Sacral Chakra stone associated with strength, courage, and willpower. Tiger’s Eye is known for its ability to ground and stabilize emotions. It can also help to increase creativity and sexual energy.

Properties: strength, courage, power, and determination

Other Benefits: Gives you strength and courage when you need it most and helps to increase physical and mental power, determination, and will.

  • Snowflake Obsidian stone is known for its ability to help balance the sacral chakra. It can help relieve stress and tension. This stone is said to help one connect with their higher power and find their true purpose in life.

Properties: protection, grounding, and healing

Other Benefits: Provides protection from negative energies, grounds and balances the body and mind, and helps to heal old wounds and traumas.

  • Amber is known for its ability to help heal the physical body. This stone is said to be a powerful cleanser of negative energy, and to help one release fears and resentments. It is also said to help balance emotions.

Properties: healing, cleansing, and purification

Other Benefits: Helps to cleanse and purify the body and mind, aids in healing physical and emotional wounds and promotes feelings of peace and well-being.

  • Moonstone is known for its ability to balance emotions. This stone is said to help one connect with their emotions, and to find their true passion in life. It is also said to help aid in sleep and relaxation.

Properties: intuition, insight, and psychic ability

Other Benefits: Enhances your intuition and psychic abilities, provides insight and clarity on your life path, and helps you to connect with your higher self.

  • Aragonite is known for its ability to help ground and stabilize emotions. This stone is said to help one release old behavior patterns and find their true power. It is also said to help calm the mind.

Properties: patience, understanding, and tolerance

Other Benefits: Helps to increase patience and understanding, fosters tolerance and acceptance, and aids in times of stress and anxiety.

  • Goldstone is known for its ability to help balance the sacral chakra. This stone is said to help people find their inner strength and follow their dreams. It is also said to help relieve stress and tension.

Properties: abundance, good luck, and success

Other Benefits: Attracts abundance and prosperity, brings good luck and success in all your endeavors.

  • Amethyst is known for its ability to help heal the physical body. This stone is said to help one release anger, and to find their true purpose in life. It is also said to help balance emotions.

Properties: purification, protection, and healing

Other Benefits: Helps to cleanse and purify the body and mind, provides protection from negative energies and aids in healing physical and emotional wounds.

These are just a few of the many stones and crystals that can be used to support the sacral chakra. Trust your intuition and do what feels right if you feel drawn to a particular stone or crystal.

Benefits for Stones and Crystals for Sacral Chakra

When it comes to activating and healing the sacral chakra, there are many benefits to be harnessed by wearing stones and crystals.

  1. Balance: They can help to bring about a more balanced state within the chakra, which can, in turn, lead to improved overall health and well-being.
  2. Increased Energy: Stones and crystals can also help to increase the flow of energy through the chakra, allowing for greater creativity and vitality.
  3. Activation: Stones are all said to be highly effective at opening up and balancing the sacral chakra and can help to bring about a more positive and creative state of being.

If you are interested in activating and healing your sacral chakra, consider wearing any of these stones or crystals regularly. You may also want to place them in your environment, such as on your desk or near your bed, to maximize their positive effects.


Many different stones and crystals can be used to support the health of the Sacral Chakra. The most popular ones include Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Moonstone, and Sunstone. These stones can help to balance and energize the sacral chakra, promoting creativity, sexuality, and pleasure.

Best Ways to Use Sacral Chakra Stones

There are a few things to remember when using crystals and stones for healing.

Step 1: It is important to cleanse the stone before use. This can be done by running it under cold water or using a selenite wand. If you’re using multiple stones, make sure to cleanse them all before beginning this process.

Step 2: Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You must be able to relax and let go of any tension in your body. Breathe deeply and evenly, letting your mind clear. Once you’re settled, hold the stone in your hand, place it on your navel while lying down, and then focus on your breath.

Step 3: Now, begin to focus your attention on the stone. Visualize it glowing with white light. See the light spreading through your body, filling you with warmth and peace. As you continue to breathe deeply, feel the stone infusing your body with its energy.

Step 4: Allow yourself to relax and soak in the stone’s healing energy for as long as you like. When you’re finished, thank the stone for its help and place it back in its proper place.

If you’d like to boost the effects of the stone further, you can pair it with a specific affirmation or intention. For example, if you’re looking to heal your sacral chakra, you might say, “I am safe, I am loved, and I am worthy of pleasure.” Repeat this affirmation to yourself a few times while holding the stone.


Crystals and stones can be incredibly powerful tools for healing. They can help you balance your chakras and release negative energy when used correctly. If you want to improve your well-being, consider adding some crystals and stones to your self-care routine.

Best Ways to Choose Sacral Chakra Bracelets & Jewelry

A bracelet made with Sacral Chakra stones can be a great way to keep the chakra’s energy balanced and aligned. If you are looking for the best quality stone bracelets for your sacral chakra, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

  1. Quality: It is important to ensure that the stones and crystals in the bracelet are of high quality.
  2. Resonates with Sacral Chakra: You want to choose stones and crystals that are effective for healing and activating the sacral chakra. Carnelian, Orange Calcite, and Moonstone are some of the best stones for a Sacral Chakra bracelet.
  3. Energetic Balance: When choosing stones for a sacral chakra bracelet, it is important to consider the energy of each stone and how it will work with the other stones in the bracelet.
  4. Energetic Connection: Observe the healing energies emitting from the stones by constantly pressing against the skin and checking if it helps to connect you with yourself and encourages a sense of stability.


Wear gemstone jewelry to carry supportive and positive energies from stones into your sacral chakra. It’s beautiful; it helps strengthen intentions throughout the day – all things we know are important for a healthy life! Wearing these gems also allows access points of energy to revitalize mental/physical wellness (among others).

Sacral Chakra Music

When activating and healing the sacral chakra, mantra music can be a powerful tool.

Many great options are available if you are looking for the best sacral chakra mantra music to help activate and heal your chakra. Here are some of our top picks:

1. “Om Namah Shivaya” by Jai Uttal

2. “So Hum” by Snatam Kaur

3. “Shri Durga Mantra” by Krishna Das

4. “Ganesha Sharanam” by Deva Premal & Miten

5. “Om Tryambakam” by Surya

Whether you are new to using mantra music for chakra healing or have been working with it for some time, these tracks will help you activate and balance your sacral chakra. Give them a listen today!

Other Sacral Chakra Music

Many different types of music can be used to activate the Sacral Chakra. Some people prefer classical music, while others find that more modern styles work better. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to experiment and find what type of music works best for activating their sacral chakra.

Some recommended pieces of music for Sacral Chakra activation include:

  1. Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 in D Minor
  2. Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor
  3. Mozart’s Requiem
  4. Handel’s Messiah

These are just a few examples of music that can be used for sacral chakra activation. There are many more out there, so it is up to the individual to find what works best for them.

Benefits of Sacral Chakra Music

Sacral chakra music can help to open and energize the chakra, providing many benefits for overall health and well-being.

Some of the benefits of using mantra music for sacral chakra activation and healing include:

  1. Improved creativity and sexual energy
  2. Enhanced emotional stability and mental clarity
  3. Increased physical energy and stamina
  4. Greater ability to manifest desires and goals


There is a wide range of music that can be helpful for the Sacral Chakra. Some people find that upbeat, energetic music helps to activate and energize the chakra. Some use devotional mantra music, while others prefer more calming and soothing tunes to help them relax and connect with their sensual side.

Sacral Chakra Foods

sacral chakra foods

Different foods can offer different benefits when healing and activating the sacral chakra. For example, eating oranges can help cleanse and purify the chakra while promoting creativity and self-expression. Eating chocolates can also be beneficial, as it can help reduce stress levels and promote pleasure and satisfaction.

List some beneficial foods that are helpful in healing and maintaining the health of the organs associated with the sacral chakra or Svadhisthana Chakra. These foods are known to help improve digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation:

1. Figs are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are known to help treat constipation, diarrhea, and other digestive disorders.

2. Pomegranates are rich in vitamin C and B, minerals, and antioxidants.

3. Mangoes are a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and E, and beta-carotene.

4. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C and B, minerals, and antioxidants.

5. Watermelon is a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C and B6, and lycopene.

6. Pineapples are a good source of fiber, vitamins C and B1, manganese and copper.

7. Coconuts are a good source of fiber, vitamins C, E, and B1, manganese, selenium and iron.

8. Avocados are a good source of fiber, vitamins C, E, and B6, copper and potassium.

9. Peaches are a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B1, copper and potassium.

10. Apricots are a good source of fiber, vitamins A, C, and B1, copper and potassium.

These are some of the best foods for healing and activating the sacral chakra. Include them in your diet to experience their benefits. Eating a balanced and healthy diet is the best way to ensure that all the chakras are adequately nourished and functioning properly. However, incorporating specific foods into the diet known to be beneficial for the sacral chakra can help boost its overall health and vitality.


Many different foods can be beneficial for the Sacral Chakra. Some of the most nourishing ones include oranges, mangoes, papayas, coconuts, and avocados. These foods are delicious and contain nutrients that can help support the Sacral Chakra’s health.

The Bottomline

The Sacral Chakra is the centre of our emotions and the access point to all that inner joy, laughter, and lightness. While different foods associated with this chakra will provide you with a nutritious life full of vitality. It is also considered home for fantasies or passion; we find warmth in harsh and frosty situations! We can use different stones and crystals to help keep negativity at bay with their positive energies. Various healing mantras and music can give you more emotional and mental calmness and stability.

You can learn to heal, balance, and activate all seven chakras through our in-depth course Understanding Chakrasby learning about the different yogic kriyas, the different development stages, their uniqueness, and the specialties of each chakra inside the course.

siddhi yoga chakra certification
Harshitaa Sharma
Ms. Sharma is a Consciouspreneur, Writer, Yoga, Mindfulness, and Quantum Meditation teacher. From an early age, she had a keen interest in spirituality, saint’s literature, and social development and was deeply influenced by masters like Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharishi, Sri Poonja Ji, and Yogi Bhajan.

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