
Vin to Yin Yoga, an Overview

Vin to Yin Top Sequences

This unique combination allows you to tune multiple areas of the body to prepare you for meditation.

Vin to Yin yoga is a marriage between Vinyasa and Yin yoga styles.

What is Vin Yin Yoga?

Vin Yin yoga is a yoga style that combines Vinyasa and Yin Yoga into a single class. It begins with dynamic Vinyasa flows and ends with a restorative Yin sequence.

Yin yoga can be challenging to practice on its own especially after a busy day, as it requires you to immediately be calm and focused.

A short Vinyasa sequence allows you to let go of excess energy and reach the right mindset to completely surrender your mind and body in Yin yoga.

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Vin to Yin Yoga

Vin Yin Yoga combines elements from both Vinyasa and Yin Yoga.

Vinyasa yoga is a dynamic yoga style that links pose in a graceful flow. Yin yoga is a restorative type of yoga that incorporates seated and supine stretches.

Most Vin Yin yoga classes begin with a Vinyasa warm-up, including sun salutations and standing positions. Vinyasa is an energizing sequence that challenges our strength, range of motion, and breath control.

Although this dynamic portion of the practice is beneficial on its own, it also prepares you for the restorative aspect of the practice that follows.

The Yin part of Vin Yin yoga is a passive and relaxing practice and includes only seated and supine poses, held between 2 and 7 mins. This type of stretching balances the nervous system, calms your body and mind and brings a sense of tranquility.


Vin Yin yoga conjoins Vinyasa and Yin Yoga. The “Vin” portion of the class utilises dynamic sequences, and the Yin half involves passive and relaxing stretches.

Why Vin to Yin?

Here are some of the potential benefits that make Vin Yin yoga worth a try.

1.   Builds Strength

The Vinyasa portion of Vin Yin yoga builds muscle strength. A well-designed sequence will engage all muscle groups in your body, especially the core. Strong and stable core muscles stabilise the spine to prevent associated back pain. Strong core muscles also enhance your stability and balance.

2.   Helps in Weight Management

Vinyasa flow is a low-impact cardio workout. Since you’re continuously moving you are burning calories, and boosting your metabolism. Studies show that regular yoga practice, especially dynamic styles, leads to weight loss and helps in weight management.

3.   Improves Mental health

Vin Yin yoga can be a therapeutic experience. First, you go through a Vin sequence to release excess energy and use your breath to calm your body and mind.

Then the long static stretches of the Yin portion allow you to delve deeper within yourself. Surrendering in a pose teaches us acceptance – of the world surrounding us and of ourselves.

It’s an opportunity to observe our life from a more passive perspective, to find things to be grateful for. This experience makes Vin Yin a deeply healing practice and a beautiful way to incorporate more self-care in our lives.

4.   Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion

Vin Yin yoga is a fantastic method to build flexibility and range of motion. Practicing dynamic yoga helps you to stretch and soften every muscle of your body. The Yin half of the class – stretches, twists, and compresses the fascia, hydrating the connective tissues to make them more elastic.

5.   Promotes Detoxification

All dynamic activities in which you sweat, boost the natural detoxification process in the body. Sweating regulates your body temperature and at the same time expels toxins from the body.

However, that’s not the only way Vin Yin yoga improves detoxification.

Poses in both portions of the class which involve spinal twists stimulate the organs and boost metabolism. Deep yogic breathing aids the body in the detox process.

Yin Yoga also improves the detoxification process by lengthening the fascia. The shortened and blocked fascia can lead to trapped toxins. When we practice yin poses we break down those blockages and effectively release them from the body.

6.   Aids in Mindfulness and Meditation

Vin Yin yoga can teach you how to be more mindful and aware of the present moment. After only a few moments of conscious belly breathing, you’ll feel a renewed connection between body and mind.

Vinyasa yoga connects you to your breath, while Yin helps you to slow it down, entering a state of deep rest and meditation.

Yin yoga exhorts you to remain still for extended periods. Since sitting in the same pose in meditation is difficult for many beginner practitioners, Vin Yin yoga can help in deepening your meditation practice.


Vinyasa and Yin yoga both have their unique benefits. Vin Yin Yoga combines the two, allowing you to simultaneously work on both superficial and deep tissues in the body. Beginning with Vinyasa also makes the Yin less challenging, as you will be able to enter it with a calmer mind.

Top Flows and Sequences

Want to give Vin Yin yoga a try? Here is a quick guide on how to sequence your own class.

Begin with Vinyasa

Begin with a couple of rounds of Sun Salutations. Then include a flow with standing positions.

You can choose any pose you like, just make sure you are moving with your breath. If you’re doing one-sided standing poses, repeat the same on the other leg.

Perform a Vinyasa flow in between the two sides. Vinyasa flow includes Chaturanga, Cobra, and Downward dog.

Wind down with the Child’s Pose or a similar resting pose to slowly transition into the Yin portion of the class.

End with Yin

For the second half of the class, choose several seated or supine positions. Make sure you melt and relax completely in each position.

You can use props like a block or pillow to help you. The three main principles to follow for the Yin half of the practice are:

  • Find an appropriate depth (where you feel resistance, but no pain).
  • Resolve to remain still (you can move in the first 30 secs to find a position that works).
  • Hold for time (1-2 mins per pose for a beginner, 3-5 mins for intermediate to advanced students)

Some common poses included in a Yin class are the Butterfly pose, Child’s pose, Sphinx pose, Lizard pose, Pigeon pose, and Reclined Twists.

Allow your body to integrate the benefits of the class in Shavasana, where you can simply breathe and relax for at least 5 mins.

Best Vin Yin Yoga Flows on YouTube

If you are a beginner or prefer being guided through a class, you can also follow a Vin Yin yoga sequence on YouTube. Here are two great examples:

Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Stress Relief: Yin and Yang

Vin to Yin Yoga for Stress Relief – All Levels Yoga:

To Conclude

Vin Yin’s yoga style is perfect for any yoga student who loves both dynamic and static yoga classes. It’ll help you release pent-up stress from the day, and leave the mat in a much more calm and positive state of mind. If you need some tips on how to sequence a Vin Yin yoga class, you’ll find this article very useful Secret To A Perfect Yoga Sequence.

You can also see one of our most promising courses on Yin Yoga which has 100s of users enrolling and numerous 5 Star Ratings. Click here to see the course.

1 sources
  1. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/research/research-results/study-sees-beneficial-role-of-yoga-in-weight-loss-program-for-adults-with-obesity-or-overweight
Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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