
Vayu Mudra: Meaning, Benefits, and How to Do

vayu mudra

Learn about the Vayu Mudra – its meaning, benefits, and how to do it. This simple hand gesture can help improve your respiratory health and more.

Definition – What is Vayu Mudra and its Meaning, References, and Mythology?

One of the five basic elements of our body and mind is Vayu or air. This Mudra balances the air element. The Sanskrit name for air is Vayu. It refers to all matter in gaseous forms like air, steam, steam, and breath. Air elements have the following attributes: restlessness, expansion, and dryness.

Ayurveda explains that air and ether elements are the Vata Dosha. This is the driving force behind the two other Doshas, Pitta (Kapha) and Kapha. This element controls respiration and circulation in the body. Vata is a force that moves and achieves its goals. Vata is what keeps the other Doshas from becoming stuck and inactive. Too much or too little movement can lead to problems. If you suffer from respiratory or circulatory problems, you might consider working with the air Mudras and related exercises. Vayu is air, and Mudra is a gesture. 

According to Ayurveda, the air element is associated in our bodies with the Vata Dosha. The thumb represents fire, and the index finger is the air element. When the thumb is pressed against the index finger, fire overwhelms the air elements and balances them in the body.

According to Ayurveda, our body is made up of 49 Vayu. Five are vital. Five are secondary. Each one has a specific function. Vayu Mudra directs the flow prana to balance the body’s air element.

Alternate Name of Vayu Mudra

Mudra for stomach gas.

How to Do Vayu Mudra?

  • Vayu Mudra can also be done while standing, lying down, or walking.
  • However, relaxing in any comfortable or meditative sitting position is best. 
  • Place both of your hands on your knees, palms facing upward.
  • Begin by bringing the tips of your index fingers toward the base of your thumbs.
  • Next, press your thumbs onto the index fingers’ top knuckles.
  • Breathe slowly and try to fill the maximum air inside of your lungs.
  • You can hold it for 15 minutes, then repeat the process twice daily. You can practice for up to 30 minutes per day for chronic joint pain.

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Vayu Mudra Benefits

vayu mudra benefits
  • A weak immune system is when you get sick with the flu or other symptoms. A weak immune system could lead to serious and even fatal conditions if left untreated. The index finger has pressure points that produce a gentle, energetic wave in the body when pressed lightly. This helps to strengthen the immune system over time and increase immunity.
  • Vayu Mudra can also be used to treat gastric problems. It stimulates the part of the brain connected to the Vegas nerve, which regulates or controls Vata Dosha. This includes flatulence, acid reflux, and indigestion.
  • It can also help reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
  • Vayu Mudra also stimulates the endocrine system.
  • The charm of living has been lost in modern life. Everybody is always busy, whether with personal matters, work, the materialistic mindset, mental asylum, or official work. The result is a rise in stress and sadness in the daily life of common people.
  • But Vayu Mudra can be practiced in Meditation or Pranayama to replenish their true gems of life, Happiness, and Peace of Mind.
  • It is thought to relieve pain from rheumatism and sciatica. It can be very useful in pain management. It helps relax the muscles. It can improve your memory, sharpen your brain, and help you reduce anger and depression.

Vayu Mudra Precautions and Contraindications

vayu mudra precautions
  • Don’t try to bend your index finger too much.
  • Don’t put excessive pressure on your index finger.
  • Ensure that your back is straight.

When and how long to do Vayu Mudra?

  • This Mudra can be practiced to improve air element functioning inside our body.
  • This can be practiced to strengthen the immunity system.

Vayu Mudra can also be done while standing, lying down, or walking. Practicing it in the morning, when your stomach is empty, for pranayama and meditation is best. There is no set time or place you should practice it. You can do it whenever suits your needs. It is possible to start with a practice of 2 to 5 minutes and then gradually increase the time to 45 minutes per day. Or you can split it into three 15-minute segments. This will give you better results if you do it at least twice a month.

Breathing in Vayu Mudra

  • To begin with this Mudra practice, you can try Belly Breathing.

Visualization in Vayu Mudra

  • As if you were standing in a storm. Breathe in and let go of all inner tensions. You will now feel calmer, and the storm is over. You can now increase the time between exhalation and inhalation. As the air flows into your lungs, it has a fine texture. Slowly and peacefully, it will leave you. Relax, and you will find new strength.

Affirmation in Vayu Mudra

I can always be calm and peaceful and places.”


The Vayu Mudra is a gesture that is said to be beneficial for those suffering from conditions like anxiety and asthma. By placing the thumb and index finger together and pointing the remaining fingers upwards, it is believed that one can direct energy towards easing these problems. If you want to learn more about Mudras and how to use them effectively, consider signing up for our Mudras Certification Course. In this course, you’ll learn about all 108 Mudras, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into your daily life.

Divyansh Sharma
Divyansh is Yoga, Meditation & Kinesiology Teacher who has been practicing Yoga and Meditation Since 2011. The Idea of correlating Yoga with Modern Sciences fascinates him the most & to feed his curiosity, he keeps on exploring new things every day. He has accomplished a Master's in Yogic Sciences, E-RYT-200, and RYT-500.


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