
How Best Guided Meditation Scripts Can Help You Improve Your Health.

guided meditation scripts

Meditation is a tool for anyone who wants to create positive change. If you are looking for more relaxation, to increase positivity and to enjoy a sense of being calm and centred, then this article is for you. We will explore a range of available guided meditation scripts, from a 20-minute guided meditation to a one-hour one. This will give you many options to fit into your schedule and preferences. With such a broad range of meditations available, there is no excuse not to practice daily. This article will provide you with some of our favorite guided meditations so that you can experience the benefits too.


Finding the right meditation for yourself can be difficult. Looking online presents you with endless options – but having too many choices is a problem. Are they suitable for you? How much time do you need to commit to a meditation practice to reap the benefits? The good news is that there is no right or wrong in meditation. Not to the length of meditation or any other aspects. Even practicing a few minutes each day is beneficial for the mind. But we will explore longer meditations and see if you can make time for them to experience their deep and blissful benefits.

Making Use of Longer Meditations

Longer meditations allow you to go into a deep and blissful healing state. The longer you stay in this relaxed state, the more beneficial it is for your health. Meditation can reduce your stress levels, deepen your breath, reduce blood pressure and create more space in your mind for focus and concentration. Even if you spend a few minutes or an hour in this state every day, you will begin to notice the subtle yet essential differences that it brings to your mind and body.This allows you to rest and rejuvenate yourself. It is great for combatting stress and reprogramming your body on a cellular level. The longer you can stay in this meditative state, the easier it is for your body to remember its natural innate healing abilities and to activate these within yourself.

20-Minute Best Guided Meditation Scripts

A 20-minute time frame is an excellent place to start with meditation. It is long enough to reach your bliss state. But beginners may find it challenging to sit completely still, even for 20 minutes. Here are some 20-minute guided meditations to help you stay focused and centered.

20-minute guided meditation for mindfulness and being present

Chakra cleansing and balancing

Full body relaxation and body scan

Guided meditation for mindfulness

30-Minute Scripts

Once you become comfortable with 20 minutes, you can add some extra time and go for a 30-minute guided meditation. These 30-minute guided meditation scripts will create a space where you can learn about your body and yourself as you sit or rest in mindful awareness:

30-minute meditation to let go of judgment

Positive energy meditation

Guided meditation for mindfulness

Deep guided 7 chakras singing bowl meditation

1-Hour Scripts

As mentioned earlier, the longer you meditate, the more benefits you can absorb. If you are ready for 1-hour guided meditations and ready to change your life, try the following scripts:

The Healing Temple, one-hour guided meditation

One-hour positive energy and chakra balancing meditation

Voice only, no music, guided meditation

Deep sleep, calming meditation for rest

The Bottomline

Meditation is full of possibilities. As your practice grows, allow yourself to stay open to the positive changes that this will invite into your life. Commit yourself to a daily practice to get comfortable with meditation.

If you are looking for some inspiration to get started, first try our 30 Days Meditation Challenge and then go for our 200Hr TTC course. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced meditator, this is perfect. It will help you create a daily rhythm and ritual for your meditation practice.

Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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