Learn about guided meditation for addiction recovery benefits when coming out of addiction and check out some powerful meditation scripts to help you.
When dealing with addiction, it is important to know that it is not an isolated problem but one that is connected to every aspect of our life and that its consequences are deep and far-reaching. Guided meditation addiction recovery can help in rehabilitation and healing – if we only learn how to connect and listen to ourselves in a more healthy and intuitive way.
Meditation is often used to cultivate higher awareness and inner tranquility and to bring peace to our busy minds. It can be a very effective way to declutter from everyday tensions, stress and difficulties which come our way. For people working on recovery from addiction, meditation will focus on the inner connection and noticing the patterns of life they wish to change.
Below we will discuss some of the benefits of meditation and guided meditation in addiction recovery and consider how addictions influence our body and mind.
Your Mind and Addictions
Guided meditation for Addiction recovery, a term usually associated with substance use, also greatly impacts our mind, body and general health. We may not notice an addiction creeping up on us and sapping our life energy, space and time. This is also why addictions may be difficult to detect at the beginning stages until we come to the point when they start to consume us and hold us to ransom.
Substance and drug use can highly alter the way our brain works and may even lead to permanent damage of cells within the brain. Addiction can be characterized by changes in our behavior, especially when we reach a state of dependence on the substance of the addiction.
Our brain works based on a natural system of reward, which helps us notice and prioritize particular things and aspects of our life. Eating, sleeping and connecting with other people to find a mate are things we need to experience fulfillment and calmness. However, in general, this reward system and our minds are fast changing and adapting to our surroundings. For example, searching for high-caloric foods used to be a survival issue, but today can lead us to significant health issues due to the excess we have when the brain is still programmed to seek it. Therefore maintaining a healthy diet becomes a conscious work of balancing and choosing what is right and good for us despite what is easily available and high in calories.
Addiction creates a sense of reward and fulfillment in our mind and body, giving us either a sense of rush, relaxation or numbness. When the mind gets used to receiving a usually easy and fast reward, it will become more and more dependent on it, seeking relief in a less energy-consuming way.
Instead of our body releasing dopamine and serotonin naturally and in a balanced way, addiction creates an intense burst of these hormones, causing us to connect deeply to the situation causing it. This is when mindfulness and meditation come in handy. Becoming aware and consciously noticing what and why something is happening in our body and mind during substance use and addiction is the first step towards recovery.
Addiction Recovery from Within
Tackling addiction can be done only by connecting and diving within the self. Our natural balance has been distorted and needs time and energy to heal and reconstruct. Rewiring and disciplined healing practices such as meditation and mindfulness can be supportive in this journey and have many benefits when done with kindness and care.
It is important to notice that addiction often finds its place within us when we struggle, deals with stress, or experience emotional imbalance or low energy. All these symptoms signify that our homeostatic nature, which keeps our body and mind balanced, has been deprived of or is receiving too much of something.
Addiction recovery begins from within. The moment we find the courage to look at and heal the space inside which addiction has invaded, we will be able to move forward. If you are looking for a kind and safe space to begin healing, you may try practicing guided meditation for addiction recovery as a supportive daily self-awareness moment.
Tips & Guided Meditation for Addiction Recovery
Guided meditation can be a supportive and healing practice in one’s growth journey and during a healing and recovery phase. Another practitioner or guided meditation teacher leads the session. It can be specially prepared to focus on a specific need or aspect of life, for example, addiction recovery and healing.
Guided meditation scripts for addiction recovery will often focus on finding a true healing connection with oneself, rediscovering the powerful and safe space within, as well as body-mind relaxation and breathing techniques. To help you go through a guided meditation practice here are some tips:
- Make sure you are safe and comfortable during guided meditation practice. Feeling grounded and connected is easier with tranquility and peace in your surroundings.
- Listen to the guide’s voice without focussing very profoundly, as if you were listening to music. This will help you relax the body and de-stress the mind.
- Let your emotions and thoughts feel free to express themselves. During guided meditation, especially for addiction recovery, it is important to let go and create space to release any physical and emotional tensions.
Taking guided meditation while going through recovery is a beneficial and supportive practice alongside addiction therapy and other medical support. It is a safe and calm way to incorporate mindfulness, reconnect to oneself, and build a safe and confident space. Some of the benefits of following a regular meditation practice could include the following:
- Regaining self-confidence
- Improved self-control
- Comforting and positive affirmations and mindset rewiring
- Stronger immune system
- Body relaxation and muscle tension release
- Balanced release of dopamine and serotonin
- Lower stress hormone levels
- Reduced anxiety
- Better sleep and higher energy levels
- New perspectives on stressful situations
If you are looking for a guided meditation for addiction and recovery for yourself or loved ones, check out the audio scripts below:
Guided Meditation for Addiction Recovery (Overcome Addiction & Cravings)
Meditation for Addiction Recovery / Relapse Prevention / Breaking the habit
Guided Meditation for Addiction Recovery / Overcome Addict 10 minutes
Meditation for Dealing with Addiction
The Bottomline
Addiction can visit any one of us, especially when we are going through a particularly vulnerable period in life or when dealing with past trauma or mind-body imbalance. To support your journey of healing and recovery from addiction, try incorporating guided meditation as a daily self-care practice and an addition to your recovery process. We invite you to join our online meditation course to learn more about meditation and how it can bring light to your path in life.
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