
Best Yoga Teacher Training in Ottawa

Best Yoga Teacher Training in Ottawa

The good thing about this place is that you will experience a feeling of the metro and at the same time have an ambiance of nature. In this manner, you can have the ability to practice yoga and not only that because if you want to make yoga your career then you will definitely love this place.

There are numerous options for you to choose from because there are nice yoga teacher training schools that are available in the area. However, if you are just new in the place, most probably you will have a hard time choosing because you are not familiar right?

But do not be in despair because we got you covered as we will tackle a comprehensive list of the best yoga teacher training in Ottawa. Rest assured that you will get your Yoga Alliance certification and deepen your knowledge that will help you in teaching your students and at the same time give you a much enhanced overall wellbeing.

Let us not delay the excitement anymore by starting the list immediately!

Elevate Yoga

yoga teacher training program in ottawa

It is a yoga school that offers various programs for yogis and is composed of very efficient and welcoming teachers which is why you will surely never go wrong with them. The facilities will bring you a vibrant ambiance that can help you have a more relaxing yoga experience.

The faculty of this school treats yoga as a way of life and not only as a career this is why once you enrolled in this school expect that you will be treated as a family member. You will also learn to participate in the different events in Ottawa such as charities and other recreational activities. As a matter of fact, this yoga school has donated a lot to different local charities.

So expect that your tuition fee will truly be worth it because you will have the capacity to learn and at the same time help a lot of people through the advocacy of this school.

Akhanda Yoga

yoga teacher training program ottawa

It is proven that the community of this school is very welcoming and friendly as it uplifted a lot of mind and souls in the classes that they are conducting. Since it is led by YogrishiVishvketu expect that everything will be super smooth because of his wide experience in the yoga industry.

They offer a holistic approach of yoga which can help you achieve overall wellness and aside from that if you are aiming to have your Yoga Alliance certification then this school is definitely a must-see.

You will be equipped with the ability to teach students and at the same time build a career that can sustain your everyday needs. The school also combines a modern approach without compromising the classical fundamentals of yoga. You will also have the ability to browse their online yoga classes for three months which is already included in the package.

See Also: Yoga Teacher Training Online

PranaShanti Yoga Centre

best yoga teacher training in ottawa

There is no best gift in the world than to have a sound and healthy body. Even if you have all the money but your health is deteriorating that money will be useful. Thankfully, we have this school that is located in the heart of the city. The combination of a city and nature ambiance is actually perfect for yoga and this is the definite advantage of yoga schools that are located in Ottawa.

This school promotes the uppermost quality of teaching because it is a must for them to develop the student to their full potential. So if you are eyeing to finish your yoga teacher training then this school might be the perfect one for you.

Empower ME Yoga
best yoga training in ottawa

Even if you are an experienced yogi or just starting out their journey on yoga teaching then this school is waiting for you. It will give you the fundamentals that you needed to become an efficient yoga teacher that will help your students grow in the yogic lifestyle.

Aside from that, you will have a better and sound body all throughout the practice. You can adapt the different techniques that the amazing teachers in this school will hand out to you. Furthermore, this school is serious about etiquette that is why it will also teach you how to become disciplined that you can also use on the other aspects of your life as well..

Yoga Town

best yoga training program ottawa

It’s been over 10 years since this yoga school was founded and since then it has accomplished in helping a lot of aspiring yogis and teachers to transform their lives. The good thing with this school is that the environment was really welcoming diminishing any kinds of intimidation.

The founders Jason and Tracy are very serious in their mission and vision to provide great studios where people can learn and become effective citizens. They have changed a lot of lives for the better and will continue to do so in the following years to come. Their high ratings only depict that all of the good things that people are hearing about them are all factual.

Yoga and Tea Studio

yoga teacher training ottawa

Navjit Kaur Sidhu (E-RYT 500), the founder of this yoga school aimed to provide an amazing and socially-oriented school for the benefit of its students. It is already been almost a decade since it was opened and many students have become successful in their yoga careers.

Upon graduation, you will get your Yoga Alliance certification which will help you out to become confident when you are already teaching. Not only that, you will have a much stress-free life that will result in better overall wellbeing and contentment.

Take Away

Ready to embark on a transformative yoga journey? Look no further than our Online Yoga Teacher Training programs. Whether you’re starting from scratch or aiming to refine your teaching skills, we have the perfect program for you. Immerse yourself in our 200-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training, where you’ll develop a strong foundation in yoga philosophy, anatomy, and effective teaching methods. Take your practice to new heights with our 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training, exploring advanced asanas, pranayama techniques, and the art of sequencing. For those seeking the pinnacle of expertise, our 500 Hours Online Yoga Teacher Training combines traditional wisdom with contemporary practices. Join our supportive community of passionate yogis and embark on a life-altering journey from the comfort of your own home. Enroll now and uncover your true potential as a yoga teacher.

Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.


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