Learn about the Granthita Mudra – its meaning, benefits, how to do it, and more! This powerful hand gesture can help you achieve improved mental clarity and focus.
Definition – What is Granthita Mudra and its Meaning, References, and Mythology?
The word Granthit (Granthita) means to bind something or the knot. Granthita Mudra is a type of Hand gesture/seal or Hasta Mudra. It is also known as the Gesture of Knot.
It is believed that it opens up the knot of the neck center. By this, we mean it activates Vissuddhi Chakra (Throat Chakra). As Vissuddhi Chakra is located around the throat, it prevents all the problems that can happen around the throat Chakra.
This Mudra is also known for its self-healing properties. It activates the self-healing response in our bodies. Self-healing is very important to deal with different things that your life throws at you. With self-healing comes equally important self-love. It is also believed that practicing this benefits cancer patients as well, as it promotes self-healing in cancer treatment as well.
It is also part of some of those Mudras that improve coordination between the brain’s right and left hemispheres. Better coordination between both sides of the brain helps to form a smooth thought process and gives much-needed clarity in our lives.
It also benefits the voice. It improves our voice by clearing the vocal passage. This makes our voice clear, sweet, and sound pleasing. This increases confidence. You speak the truth with utmost confidence. People like to have fruitful conversations with you.
As the thyroid gland manages our metabolism, it helps regulate the metabolism as well. It also benefits the thyroid glands by stimulating them. So, those who are suffering from thyroid can be benefitted from this one.
Alternate Name of Granthita Mudra
The Gesture of Knot.
How to Do Granthita Mudra?
- This Mudra can be practiced while holding different postures, so this can be practiced while you are standing or seated. If you feel it is right for you to do so.
- However, to gain maximum benefits of this Mudra, start by sitting in a comfortable meditative posture (Sukhasana, Padmasana, or Swastikasana). Whichever posture you find comfortable while sitting is fine. Be careful of your spinal health.
- Keep your neck and spine comfortably erect.
- Now, bring your hands at heart level but slightly away from the body.
- Join your hands in Namaskar or Anjali Mudra, fingers pointing away from your body.
- Interlace your fingers, so the left-hand fingers are kept over the right ones.
- Now, gently join the tip of your index finger and the tip of your thumb of both of your hands.
- Try to concentrate on the Vishuddhi Chakra or the Throat Chakra.
- Witness your inner self.
- Inhale deeply and exhale completely.
- You can even chant the Beeja Mantra of Vishuddhi Chakra or the Throat Chakra – “ham.”
- You can practice it with different Pranayama and various meditation techniques such as Bhamri Pranayama (Humming Bee Pranayam) & Chandra Bhedi Pranayam (Left Nostril Breathing).
Granthita Mudra Benefits
- This Mudra promotes the Self-healing properties of our bodies. It is believed that it can even help cancer patients.
- It activates Vishuddhi Chakra or the Throat Chakra. So, if there are any imbalances that Vishuddhi Chakra has caused, it will help you overcome them.
- It improves our quality of speech by opening the vocal passage. We sound more confident and sweeter.
- It stimulates the Thyroid glands, which are responsible for hyper and hypothyroidism. It also helps to regulate metabolism.
- It improves coordination between two sides of the brain: the left and right hemispheres. It promotes the smooth functioning of the brain.
Granthita Mudra Precautions and Contraindications
Similar to all other Mudra practices, it has no side effects.
However, there are a few things to consider:
- Have patients if you want to achieve good results.
- Do not strain your fingers or put excessive pressure on your fingers while practicing it.
- Keep your spine comfortably erect.
When and how long to do Granthita Mudra?
- This Mudra can be practiced when you feel that you have imbalances caused by throat Chakra.
- If you want to promote your self-healing power.
- If you lack confidence while speaking in public.
- If you have thyroid gland-related issues.
- If you want to a greater state in meditation.
Morning is the ideal time to do any yoga or Mudra. In the morning, at this time during the daytime, our brain is at its best. So, you are more likely to be able to concentrate easily. Therefore, you should practice this Mudra from 4 am and 6 am to get the most effective outcomes.
If you are having difficulty with this during the morning, you can do this Mudra later in the evening too.
Practicing this Mudra for a minimum of 30-40 minutes daily is recommended. Whether you wish to complete it in one stretch or two threes that last between 10 and 15 minutes, it’s up to you. Based on research, the best way to practice an exercise for at least 20 minutes is to get the best benefits of that particular Mudra.
Breathing in Granthita Mudra
There are different breathing techniques that we can practice with this Mudra.
- Abdominal Breathing.
- Yogic Breathing (Abdominal Breathing, Thoracic Breathing & Clavicle breathing.)
Visualization in Granthita Mudra
- Visualize that you are standing on a stage.
- Everyone is waiting for you.
- You come to the stage and deliver your successful speech.
- And the entire crowd is cheering for you.
Affirmation in Granthita Mudra
While practicing this, Keep a positive intention. Start with:
“I trust my voice, I do not talk much, but when I do, my voice speaks the truth. It speaks what I feel.”
The Granthita Mudra is a Mudra, or hand gesture, that has tremendous benefits for mental and physical health. If you want to improve your focus and concentration, this is the Mudra for you. It helps to quiet the mind and allows you to be more present. The Granthita Mudra is also great for relieving stress and tension headaches. If you’re interested in learning more about Mudras and how to incorporate them into your life, check out our Mudras Certification Course. This course includes all 108 Mudras, their benefits, and tips on getting the most out of your practice.