
Guided Meditation For Pain Relief

guided meditation for pain relief

Learn about the benefits of meditation when struggling with pain. This guided meditation for pain relief will provide relief from discomfort.


Chronic or acute pain, muscle tension, headaches and discomfort in our body are signs that something is not functioning correctly and that our body and mind are out of balance on a certain level. We might have gone through a physical injury, struggled with stress and intense emotional states, or be experiencing pain without knowing the cause. Either way, pain is a message from our body that we need to pause and take care of ourselves.

Meditation is a known technique of deep relaxation and concentration. It can be very helpful when dealing with chronic or acute pain and can bring relief and ease when done with an open-hearted attitude. Below we will explain how meditation can be beneficial for pain relief and share a few guided meditation scripts to try.

Guided Meditation for Pain Relief Or Chronic Pain Relief

Guided meditation involves listening to a meditation guide or teacher while relaxing and following the given instructions. It can be a very supportive practice for anyone new to meditation or who likes to have a guided and prepared meditation. In either case, guided meditation can be a profound and calming experience.

Our body’s pain is often accompanied by a sense of distress, tiredness, frustration or maybe even fear. All of these sensations make our body and mind more focused on the pain and tension, which could lead to higher pain levels, making it more difficult to relax and calm down. A guided meditation for chronic pain or pain relief may help us calm down and relax the physical tensions around the area of pain.

By focusing on the place we feel discomfort in and breathing consciously and deeply, we may be able to loosen and relax the stiffness around the painful sensation or send a calming and healing energy towards it.

Guided meditation has been proven to significantly lower our stress hormone levels, calm our heart rate and lower anxiety. All of these benefits are connected to a state of relaxation and focus on the present moment – helping us become more aware of the here and now.

Meditation also gets us to focus and concentrate on the state of our self-awareness. Apart from relaxing and calming the place we are experiencing pain in, it is also possible to use a meditative technique of detachment. Disconnecting from the pain by simply observing the sensation we are feeling is a profound and disciplined form of meditation for pain relief. It may not only allow us to lessen the connection between our mind and the feeling of pain. Still, it can also lead to a wider perspective and the ability to observe discomfort or stress calmly throughout the day.

Other Remedies

When relieving pain, guided meditation can work for some people and is worth trying for oneself. Acute pain may be loosened and diminished with relaxation and breathing techniques, yet when it comes to chronic pain, we might need more regular practice to feel the results.

Suppose you wish to try other remedies for pain relief during meditation. In that case, you may follow a specific type of guided meditation for pain, add relaxation, body scan and breathing techniques, and use essential oils for pain relief.

Some essential oils known to help ease pain during meditation include:

  • Peppermint Oil
  • Marjoram Oil
  • Sandalwood Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Lavender Oil
  • Cypress Oil

Essential oils are used in aromatherapy in holistic and natural medicine. They are often recommended as an additional element of healing practices. Alongside guided meditation, conscious breathing and relaxation together with using essential oils may bring a calming, anti-inflammatory and soothing sensation to the areas experiencing tension and discomfort.

Guided Meditation for Back Pain Fixing

One of the most common areas in our body to experience chronic pain is our lower and upper back. Because of the long hours we spend sitting, our back and spine may become tense and come out of alignment. That causes them to project pain and tension through the rest of the body.

Taking care of our spine is very important, and back pain should never be dismissed lightly. Emotions often make their way to the upper back, in our neck and shoulders. Regarding the lower back, long hours spent sitting, working on a computer, and driving tense up the hip areas can also contribute to our back pain.

We should see our body as an interconnective structure in which all the parts influence each other. Therefore, our back pain may not have originated from the back itself; it could be more complex than that. To find its real cause, we need to listen to and observe our body and mind, perhaps visit a specialist (such as an osteopath) and incorporate relaxation and self-awareness practices into our daily routine.

Guided meditation or relaxation for back pain is recommended to be done lying down in Shavasana – corpse pose or in Balasana – child’s pose. Both poses will help completely loosen the muscles around the lower and upper back. They can be performed with additional cushioning to make you feel more comfortable. In Shavasana, placing a pillow or roll under the knees is recommended to relieve lower back tensions. In Balasana, you may keep your knees apart and place any cushioning under your belly.

Know which Guided Meditation is Best for Pain Relief for you

Many guided meditation scripts are available for pain, and we may choose a practice according to our needs. Below you will find a few guided meditations for pain relief, which you can follow either to the end or for as long as you feel comfortable with the sensation.

Remember to find yourself in a comfortable position and a safe, relaxing space where you can take your time and consciously go through the practice.

When following a guided meditation for pain and stress connected to sensations of discomfort, it is important to remember that you have a very powerful ability to relax, heal and transform your life. Pain can be one of the most difficult subjects to meditate on, so try to stay kind and open-hearted towards yourself and the practice.

The Bottomline

Pain and discomfort are sensations we will all experience in our lives. As the duality of existence shows, those sensations are also necessary to recognize and appreciate health and lack of pain. Whether you go for a pain-releasing and relaxing form of guided meditation or follow a more disconnected and observative approach, it is up to you. There is no right or wrong when looking for pain relief through meditation.

If you would like to explore deeper and learn more about meditation, we invite you to join our online meditation course Calm Your Spirit, Soothe Your Mind followed by Online Mindfulness TTC Course and find your way of approaching meditation and pain relief.

Meera Watts
Meera Watts is the owner and founder of Siddhi Yoga International. She is known worldwide for her thought leadership in the wellness industry and was recognized as a Top 20 International Yoga Blogger. Her writing on holistic health has appeared in Elephant Journal, CureJoy, FunTimesGuide, OMtimes and other international magazines. She got the Top 100 Entrepreneur of Singapore award in 2022. Meera is a yoga teacher and therapist, though now she focuses primarily on leading Siddhi Yoga International, blogging and spending time with her family in Singapore.

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